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[Results] 03-05 January - Clan 7v7 Team Battle Weekend

10/01/2014 In-Game Events
In other languages: th zh-tw ja


Tank Commanders,

Here are our winners of the 03-05 January - Clan 7v7 Team Battle Weekend event! Well done for gathering those replays and besting the rest! Check the list below for your clan and IGN!

There are still plenty of chances to win gold for your clan. Join us for the next Clan 7v7 Team Battle Weekend for fame, fun, and gold!


Day 1 Winners:

Each of the following players won 1000 Gold

Antare, Trumz, Batman, littleMac, HydroRex, CmdrArkhadia, topixelle


Each of the following players won 1000 Gold

DN_4lt, automata, Tachikoma_EXP, BanzaiAttack, Cardan, Leiris, kuraia_1


Each of the following players won 1000 Gold

Viet_Cong_VN, Black_IS, Vodska, trumkhunao666, zZzBirdzZz, o0buanhan0o, All_StarVN


Each of the following players won 1000 Gold

Zero_4G_Lag, Cronium, G0RGAK, Riddick, kotomine, wcs333, Wraithlord


Each of the following players won 1000 Gold

RuBuddy, RuMoldir, Throgg, SkimsAU, Pillzzzz, Courtland, Masterstealth


Day 2 Winners:

Each of the following players won 1000 Gold

Viet_Cong_VN, Black_IS, Vodska, trumkhunao666, zZzBirdzZz, ChienGiapSat, All_StarVN


Each of the following players won 1000 Gold

topixelle, Trumz, pokarT_Tarkop, CmdrArkhadia, Antare, HydroRex, theminionz


Each of the following players won 1000 Gold

ScudDgamer, kobuta, qursyairy, FIZZOM, CuChot, SolidSnake, Santet_Banyuwangi


Each of the following players won 1000 Gold

Henderick1105, Falchion, lemonda1, yuunjac, paperleaf, s593, 3LIT3_5NIP3R


Each of the following players won 1000 Gold

shironeet, nfwww, syuutyan, sibe, momizinosora, pro_listener, PanzerQQ

Day 3 Winners:

Each of the following players won 1000 Gold

Henderick1105, Falchion, lemonda1, paperleaf, yuunjac, ForwardUntoD4wn, 3LIT3_5NIP3R


Each of the following players won 1000 Gold

hadanhminh, ClaireRedfield, wayavn, XacChet, RapunzeI, ArtillerySoldier, ducvinh1712


Each of the following players won 1000 Gold

Vodska, trumkhunao666, Black_IS, Viet_Cong_VN, Lion_T92, All_StarVN, VN388_Asuna


Each of the following players won 1000 Gold

Zero_4G_Lag, Cybernator, morry, Horseoftheapocalypse, MonkeyMagiK, G0RGAK, Mudfart


Each of the following players won 1000 Gold

topixelle, Trumz, Kyou, ROBlN, R_P, CmdrArkhadia, velocity_58