[Premium Shop] Weekly Offers: T26E4 Pershing

Tank Commanders,

Many superheroes gain fame and honour through near-invincibility in battle. Like every tank, the T26E4 Super Pershing isn't invincible, but it's got great frontal armour for its tier to brave enemy fire. When you get the chance, strike with its high-penetrating gun power.

Check the deals below!

[Premium Shop] Weekly Offers: T26E4 Pershing

Event Start: 23 October, 2017 (Monday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)
Event End: 30 October, 2017 (Monday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)

NOTE: Keep your account secure! Be wary of accepting gifts from players or accounts you don't know -- fraudulent gifts can block both accounts -- and don't freely share your own information!

  • Tier VIII of the Week: T26E4 Super Pershing
  • Re-Supply
Tier VIII of the Week: T26E4 Super Pershing

Package Contents:

  • VIII T26E4 SuperPershing
  • 1x Garage Slot
  • 30 days Premium Account time
  • 5x Personal Reserves: +300% Crew EXP (Duration: 2 hours)
  • 5xVictory EXP bonus (15 tokens)
    Note: Unspent tokens will expire on 1st February 2018. Not applicable for First Victories.


  • USD 34.59



Package Contents:

  • 14 days Premium Account time
  • 1,250
  • 1,000,000


  • USD 20.44

