[Premium Shop] Skorpion G & Somua SM

Tank Commanders,

On sale today are two fierce contenders who have different ways of melting enemy HP bars to zero: the  VIII Rheinmetall Skorpion G  and   VIII Somua SM !

If you like to snipe your enemies at range, the Skorpion is for you. Otherwise, if you like springing surprise attacks and watching reloading enemies helplessly take damage from you and blow up, get the Somua SM.

Learn more about them in detail below!

  • Sniper: Rheinmetall Skorpion G
  • Assassin: Somua SM

VIII Rheinmetall Skorpion G

What's Hot

  • Awesome alpha damage. Can destroy a Tier X heavy tank in 5 - 6 penetrating shots.

  • High top speed of 60km/h and decent acceleration enables you to reposition and flank enemies easily.

  • Fully traversable turret: Convenient, but don't be tempted to snap shots around corners like a medium tank. The turret does not traverse quickly.

  • High EXP and Credit earning rate thanks to high alpha damage.

What's Not

  • Easy target: High profile and bad camouflage values. Poor camo can be compensated for with camo net, maxed crew skills, and chocolate... but nothing can compensate for bad positioning.

  • Armour? What armour? Frontal hull armour is the hardest part of the tank at 30 mm, which is virtually no armour at Tier VIII.

  • Hull traverse does not allow for rapid turns: Plan your course wisely.


What's Hot

  • Excellent penetration

  • High damage potential: Bring ~1500 damage worth of pain down on your enemies with a 5-round magazine

  • Fast reload between shells: Enough time to choose your target and aim at it in between shots

  • Excellent gun depression

  • Increased survivability with decent armour: Can deflect shots from same-tier vehicles

What's Not

  • Poor accuracy at long range

  • Having armour does not make the Somua SM suited to frontal assaults! You'll still have to choose your moments for doing burst damage

  • Very long reload time

[Premium Shop] Skorpion G & Somua SM

Event Period: 18 May (Friday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 - 01 June (Friday) @ 14:00 UTC+8

Note: Keep your account secure! Be wary of accepting gifts from players or accounts you don't know -- fraudulent gifts can block both accounts -- and don't freely share your own information!

  • Rhm. Skorpion G - Supreme (USD 116.50)
  • Rhm. Skorpion G - Ultimate (USD 71.33)
  • Rhm. Skorpion G - Standard (USD 46.21)
  • Somua SM - Supreme (USD 104.40)
  • Somua SM - Ultimate (USD 65.70)
  • Somua SM - Standard (USD 46.61)
Rhm. Skorpion G - Supreme (USD 116.50)

Package Contents

  • VIII Rheinmetall Skorpion G
  • 1x Garage Slot
  • 15,000
  • 30 Days Premium Account Time
  • x5 Victory Bonus (Limit: 30 times per account)
    Note: Does not apply to first victories. Must rank in Top 10 by EXP earned.
  • 30x Personal Reserves: +300% Crew EXP (Duration: 2 hours)
  • Binocular Telescope x1
  • Camouflage Net x1
  • Large-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer x1
  • Large First Aid Kit x25
  • Large Repair Kit x25
  • Automatic Fire Extinguisher x25


  • USD 116.50

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Rhm. Skorpion G - Ultimate (USD 71.33)

Package Contents

  • VIII Rheinmetall Skorpion G
  • 1x Garage Slot
  • 6,000
  • x5 Victory Bonus (Limit: 15 times per account)
    Note: Does not apply to first victories. Must rank in Top 10 by EXP earned.
  • 30x Personal Reserves: +200% Crew EXP (Duration: 2 hours)


  • USD 71.33


Somua SM - Supreme (USD 104.40)

Package Contents

  • VIII Somua SM
  • 1x Garage Slot
  • 12,500
  • x5 Victory Bonus (Limit: 30 times per account)
    Note: Does not apply to first victories. Must rank in Top 10 by EXP earned.
  • 30x Personal Reserves: +300% Crew EXP (Duration: 2 hours)
  • 1x Improved Ventilation Class 3
  • 1x Vertical Stabilizer Mk. 2
  • 1x Enhanced Gun Laying Drive
  • 10x Large Repair Kit
  • 10x Large First Aid Kit
  • 10x Automatic Fire Extinguisher


  • USD 104.40

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Somua SM - Ultimate (USD 65.70)

Package Contents

  • VIII Somua SM
  • 1x Garage Slot
  • 6,000
  • x5 Victory Bonus (Limit: 15 times per account)
    Note: Does not apply to first victories. Must rank in Top 10 by EXP earned.
  • 15x Personal Reserves: +200% Crew EXP (Duration: 2 hours)


  • USD 65.70

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Somua SM - Standard (USD 46.61)

Package Contents


  • USD 46.61

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