[Premium Shop] Onwards to July ft. T-44-100

Tank Commanders,

Looking for a capable medium tank that can dish out reliable damage while protected both on the front and sides? The T-44-100 is what you're looking for!

This fairly uncommon tank has resurfaced in the Premium Shop and will be available for purchase in the next few days, along with some crowd favourites like the AMX CDC, M4 M4A1 Revalorisé and the Superpershing.

Roll out!

[Premium Shop] Onwards to July ft. T-44-100

Event Start: 26 June, 2017 (Monday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)
Event End: 3 July 2017 (Monday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)

  • T-44-100 - Standard
  • T-44-100 - Ultimate
  • T-44-100 - Supreme
  • Ultimate Booster Pack - Deluxe Edition
  • The Commander's Choice - AMX CDC
  • The Commander's Choice - T26E4 Super Pershing
  • The Commander's Choice - M4 Revalorisé
T-44-100 - Standard

Package Contents:


  • USD 52.56

Purchase Now

T-44-100 - Ultimate

Package Contents:

  • VIII T-44-100
  • 1x Garage Slot
  • 5x First Victory bonus (Limit: 15 times/account)
  • 10x Personal Reserves: +200% Crew EXP (Duration: 2 hours)
  • 5,250


  • USD 72.43

Purchase Now

T-44-100 - Supreme

Package Contents:

  • VIII T-44-100
  • 1x Garage Slot
  • 5x First Victory bonus (Limit: 30 times/account)
  • 30x Personal Reserves: +300% Crew EXP (Duration: 2 hours)
  • 1x Medium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
  • 1x Vertical Stabilizer Mk. 1
  • 1x Improved Ventilation Class 2
  • 25x Large Repair Kit
  • 25x Large First Aid Kit
  • 25x Automatic Fire Extinguisher
  • 10,500


  • USD 103.28

Purchase Now

Ultimate Booster Pack - Deluxe Edition

Package Contents:

  • 50x Personal Reserves: +100% EXP (Duration: 2 hours)
  • 50x Personal Reserves: +200% Crew EXP (Duration: 2 hours)


  • USD 34.55

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The Commander's Choice - AMX CDC

Package Contents:


  • USD 40.92

Purchase Now

The Commander's Choice - T26E4 Super Pershing

Package Contents:


  • USD 34.79

Purchase Now

The Commander's Choice - M4 Revalorisé

Package Contents:


  • USD 34.79

Purchase Now
