[Premium Shop] Collector's Gem of the Week: TOG II*

Tank Commanders,

Anyone who's seen a VI TOG II* in battle will have stared at it at some point. It's almost as though a large armoured caterpillar has decided to mount guns on its head... but just how does it feel to drive one in person?

If you've been wondering about this recently, wonder no more - find out for yourself by purchasing one this week!

It may not be a top-tier tank by any means, but rest assured that no matter your performance, you'll be the star of the show wherever you go.

Roll out!

[Premium Shop] Collector's Gem of the Week: Tog II*

Event Start: 11 September, 2017 (Monday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)
Event End: 15 September 2017 (Friday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)

NOTE: Keep your account secure! Be wary of accepting gifts from players or accounts you don't know -- fraudulent gifts can block both accounts -- and don't freely share your own information!

  • TOG II* - Standard
  • TOG II* - Best Buy
TOG II* - Standard

Package Contents:


  • USD 16.31


TOG II* - Best Buy

Package Contents:

  • VI TOG II*
  • 1x Garage Slot
  • 10 Personal Reserves: +100% EXP (Duration: 1 hour)
  • 1,500


  • USD 22.91

