[Premium Shop] Friday The 13th: Back in Black

Tank Commanders,

It's Friday the 13th, and woe betide you if you cross a black tank on this day. You might just be blown away while admiring their cool looks. 

Three of your favourite Tier VIII vehicles are back in black:  VIII T34 B VIII Schwarzpanzer 58 , and  VIII IS-6 B .

In addition to that, packages for 360 Days and 180 Days of Premium Account time are on sale. Get Premium Account Time at a discount to earn more credits and EXP so you can make faster progress through the tech trees.

Complete your collection and leave your opponents in awe!

Roll Out!

  • T34 B
  • IS-6 B
  • Schwarzpanzer 58


What's Hot:

  • High penetration
  • Tough turret armour all around, especially the front
  • Great gun depression; can play hull-down

What's Not:

  • Long reload time
  • Long aim time
  • Weak hull armour -- not suited to leading pushes
  • Low mobility


What's Hot:

  • Suited to aggressive play styles
  • High damage per minute: High alpha damage and good rate of fire
  • Excellent angled armour all around the tank
  • Good mobility
  • Few frontal weakspots; weak spots are hard to hit

What's Not:

  • Low penetration
  • Angled armour best used on flat ground -- be careful on hills!
  • Low ammo capacity
  • Poor gun handling at a distance -- but who needs that when you're fighting head-to-head?

VIII Schwarzpanzer 58

What's Hot:

  • High penetration
  • High shell velocity
  • Decent accuracy
  • Good mobility

What's Not:

  • Low HP pool
  • Low damage per minute
  • Weak hull and turret armour

[Premium Shop] Back in Black

Sale Period: 13 July, 2018 (Friday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 to 27 July, 2017 (Friday) @ 14:00 UTC+8

NOTE: Keep your account secure! Be wary of accepting gifts from players or accounts you don't know -- fraudulent gifts can block both accounts -- and don't freely share your own information!

Click on the bundle names below to display more information.

  • T34 Shadow Edition - Supreme (USD 112.63)
  • T34 Shadow Edition - Deluxe (USD 68.78)
  • T34 Shadow Edition (USD 50.58)
  • IS-6 Shadow Edition - Supreme (USD 112.78)
  • IS-6 Shadow Edition - Deluxe (USD 67.25)
  • IS-6 Shadow Edition (USD 49.79)
  • Schwarzpanzer 58 - Supreme (USD 116.18)
  • Schwarzpanzer 58 - Deluxe (USD 68.61)
  • Schwarzpanzer 58 - Shadow (USD 37.43)
  • Premium: 360 Days (USD 83.77)
  • Premium: 180 Days (USD 48.10)
T34 Shadow Edition - Supreme (USD 112.63)

Discount: 26%

Package Contents

  • VIII T34 B
  • 1x Garage Slot
  • 15,500
  • 5x Victory EXP Bonus (30 times)
    Note: Not applicable for first victories. Must rank within top 10 by EXP in your team.
  • 50x Personal Reserves: +100% Crew EXP (Duration: 2 hours)
  • Large-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
  • Enhanced Gun Laying Drive
  • Vertical Stabilizer Mk. 2
  • 25x Large Repair Kit
  • 25x Large First Aid Kit
  • 25x Automatic Fire Extinguisher


  • USD 112.63


T34 Shadow Edition - Deluxe (USD 68.78)

Discount: 13%

Package Contents

  • VIII T34 B
  • 1x Garage Slot
  • 5,750
  • 5x Victory EXP Bonus (15 times)
    Note: Not applicable for first victories. Must rank within top 10 by EXP in your team.
  • 30x Personal Reserves: +100% Crew EXP (Duration: 2 hours)


  • USD 68.78


T34 Shadow Edition (USD 50.58)

Package Contents


  • USD 50.58


IS-6 Shadow Edition - Supreme (USD 112.78)

Discount: 26%

Package Contents

  • VIII IS-6 B
  • 1x Garage Slot
  • 10,000
  • 5x Victory EXP Bonus (30 times)
    Note: Not applicable for first victories. Must rank within top 10 by EXP in your team.
  • 50x Personal Reserves: +100% Crew EXP (Duration: 2 hours)
  • 25x Personal Reserves: +100% EXP (Duration: 2 hours)
  • Large-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
  • Improved Ventilation Class 3
  • Vertical Stabilizer Mk. 2
  • 25x Large Repair Kit
  • 25x Large First Aid Kit
  • 25x Automatic Fire Extinguisher


  • USD 112.78


IS-6 Shadow Edition - Deluxe (USD 67.25)

Discount: 13%

Package Contents

  • VIII IS-6 B
  • 1x Garage Slot
  • 5,500
  • 5x Victory EXP Bonus (15 times)
    Note: Not applicable for first victories. Must rank within top 10 by EXP in your team.
  • 30x Personal Reserves: +100% Crew EXP (Duration: 2 hours)


  • USD 67.25


IS-6 Shadow Edition (USD 49.79)

Package Contents


  • USD 49.79


Schwarzpanzer 58 - Supreme (USD 116.18)

Package Contents

  • VIII Schwarzpanzer 58
  • 1x Garage Slot
  • 10,000
  • 5x Victory EXP Bonus (30 times)
    Note: Not applicable for first victories. Must rank within top 10 by EXP in your team.
  • 50x Personal Reserves: +100% Crew EXP (Duration: 2 hours)
  • 50x Personal Reserves: +100% EXP (Duration: 2 hours)
  • Medium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
  • Coated Optics
  • Vertical Stabilizer Mk. 1
  • 25x Large Repair Kit
  • 25x Large First Aid Kit
  • 25x Automatic Fire Extinguisher


  • USD 116.18


Schwarzpanzer 58 - Deluxe (USD 68.61)

Package Contents

  • VIII Schwarzpanzer 58
  • 1x Garage Slot
  • 9,000
  • 5x Victory EXP Bonus (15 times)
    Note: Not applicable for first victories. Must rank within top 10 by EXP in your team.
  • 30x Personal Reserves: +100% Crew EXP (Duration: 2 hours)


  • USD 68.61


Premium: 360 Days (USD 83.77)

Discount: 13%

Package Contents

  • 360 Days Premium Account time


  • USD 83.77


Premium: 180 Days (USD 48.10)

Discount: 13%

Package Contents

  • 180 Days Premium Account time


  • USD 48.10

