[Premium Shop] 7-14 Apr Weekly Offers

Tank Commanders,

There may be lots of tank packages in rotation through the Premium Shop in the next fortnight, but one shouldn't forget the existence of simple gold packages as well. They may not be as exciting as a new Premium Tank, but more gold is always useful no matter your needs.

Have a look below at the selection on offer this coming week!

Roll out!

[Premium Shop] 7 - 14 April Weekly Offers

Sale Start: 7 April, 2017 (Friday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)
Sale End: 14 April, 2017 (Friday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)

  • Reinforcements
  • Gold Reserves
  • Tanking Along
  • Weekend Booster
  • New Tank Prep Kit

Package Contents

  • 7 days Premium Account time
  • 2,000
  • 2,000,000


  • USD 28.84

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Gold Reserves

Package Contents

  • 10 Personal Reserves: +50% EXP (Duration: 2 hours)
  • 2,000
  • 2,000,000


  • USD 28.84

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Tanking Along

Package Contents

  • 30 days Premium Account time
  • 2,750
  • 1,500,000


  • USD 34.05

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Weekend Booster

Package Contents

  • 2 Personal Reserves: +50% EXP (Duration: 2 hours)
  • 1,500


  • USD 6.60

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New Tank Prep Kit

Package Contents

  • 1 day Premium Account time
  • 1,500


  • USD 6.60

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