Holiday Ops 2021: Event Guide

Greetings, Commanders! Did you miss us? The season of wonders and miracles is just around the corner, which means it’s time for the long-awaited Holiday Ops, the most breathtaking event in World of Tanks! Let the festive specials begin!

Like last year, we’ll be your guiding lights throughout the event, which we've been preparing for the whole year. Fasten your seat belts—your magnificent journey with tons of specials, gifts, an unexpected hero, and a magical atmosphere is about to kick off!

Holiday Ops 2021

9 December 2020, 12:00 UTC +8 – 11 January 2021, 12:00 UTC +8

Event Summary

Holiday Ops 2021 lasts a month, from 9 December 2020, 12:00 UTC +8 – 11 January 2021, 12:00 UTC +8. There’s also an event extension from 11 January 12:00 UTC +8 until almost the end of January.

The aim of Holiday Ops is to complete all the various missions and collect as many decorations as possible. Put up your decorations to increase the Festive Atmosphere.

  • The higher the Festive Atmosphere Level, the better your rewards and bonuses in battles.
  • Complete Missions From Chuck to earn Small Boxes, an exclusive 2D style, and Chuck Norris himself as a custom Commander.
  • You can also get Small Boxes by completing the standard daily missions available in the game.
  • In addition to the classic decorations, outfit your Garage with Large Decorations. Each Large Decoration will help you earn 2.5% more credits in Random Battles.
  • All the decorations you earn or get are arranged into four thematic Collections. Assembling a full Collection nets you an exclusive 2D style and a unique decal.
  • Break decorations you don’t need and put the Shards into the Decorider to get the ones your Collections lack.
  • Once you have reached Festive Atmosphere Level IV, you will be greeted by the first Snow Maiden. As your Festive Atmosphere Level increases over time, three more Snow Maidens will visit you. Click on any of them once a day to get a present containing one random decoration from their respective Collections.
  • Snow Maidens will also provide you with daily missions for x5 XP when victorious. You will receive as many x5 missions as there are Snow Maidens in your Garage.
  • You increase the Snow Maidens’ Presents Level by accepting their presents. Reaching new Presents Levels increases the minimum level of the decorations you will receive in subsequent presents.
  • Once you reach Festive Atmosphere Level X, you will be able to complete the Collections from previous years’ Holiday Ops events (2018–2020).
  • You can build your own Holiday Ops vehicles branch with up to 6 vehicles, from Tier V to Tier X. These vehicles, depending on their type, will receive special XP bonuses.
  • You will unlock an extra "Chuck's slot" when you complete five Missions From Chuck, regardless of your current Festive Atmosphere Level.
  • Building Collections and increasing the Festive Atmosphere give you a Random Battle bonus to credits of up to 40%. Each Large Decoration gives you another 2.5% to credits earned.
  • Holiday Ops vehicles will continue to enjoy their slot bonuses from 11 January at 12:00 UTC +8 until almost the end of January. In addition, they will receive the highest bonus to credits you achieved during the event.

Discover a New Garage!

When you first open your Garage on 9 December, you’ll also notice a special gift from us—the Pz.Sfl. IC, a German Tier IV Premium tank destroyer, with a 100% trained crew and a Garage slot. This vehicle features an autoloader and promises to be a lot of fun, so take it for a spin and have a great time!

Instead of a snowy forest, this year's event takes place in a picturesque town in the mountains, filled with beautiful lights and magnificent installations. In fact, you won’t even be in a Garage–your fleet of vehicles will instead be parked in the Square!

And while the Square is completely brand-new, everything should feel familiar. You can easily find the Christmas Tree, Feast, Installation, and Yard. There are also several new objects, including neon bears, a train with gifts rolling through the mountains, a Christmas carousel, and other symbols of the festive season.

Boxes with Decorations

You will receive boxes with decorations and in-game goods as a reward for completing daily missions and special daily tasks from our incredible guest (read below for more details):

  • Daily missions: 2 to 6 boxes
  • Special daily tasks: 6 boxes

In total, there are 5 Decoration Levels. Level I items are the easiest to get, while Level V decorations are really rare. The rarer the decorations you use, the more points they add to your Festive Atmosphere and the faster you ascend a level.

Each box contains 3 decorations of a random level and in-game items (credits, consumables, Training Booklets, directives, and a Garage slot). If Lady Luck’s on your side, you can also find Large Decorations inside these boxes.

You can also get decorations in the following ways:

  • Crafting them in the Decorider
  • Receiving them as presents from the Snow Maidens once a day
  • Purchasing Large Boxes

It's time to introduce you to the special star of our holiday party! It’s someone you probably know from your childhood!

Take on Missions From Chuck!

Greetings, tankers! Meet the unbreakable Chuck Norris, our guest of honor who will help you become almost as cool as him! To do this, you must complete Missions From Chuck, which reward you with Small Boxes containing decorations and a load of valuable in-game goodies. I'll let him tell you about the surprises he has prepared for you.

Greetings, fellow Commanders! I don’t have an ESC key on my PC, and I hope you don't either, because my challenge isn’t for those who like to go into hiding! If you manage to cope with my missions, I’ll become the commander of one of your vehicles. Or rather, this vehicle of yours will become a part of my signature roundhouse kick. Let’s take a look at how my challenge works!

Few people know this, but there’s another type of ammo in the game—the Chuck Norris shell. They penetrate all armor and deal 100% damage.

Every day, one new mission will be unlocked for you to complete in Random Battles. All missions can be performed in parallel. If you miss several missions, you can complete them all in one fell swoop.

One day, Chuck fired a shot into the ground at El Halluf. Now there’s an oil well in that spot.

There are 32 missions in total, and you’ll receive rewards (a unique decal, an exclusive 2D style, a medal, etc.) for completing them. You’ll also get 6 Small Boxes containing decorations for completing each of these missions. Once you have completed 27 missions, you'll be able to recruit me in the Barracks and I'll become the commander of one of your vehicles.

Chuck Norris
Dodge This!
Thumbs Up From Chuck
Totally (Un)breakable Armor
My MS-1 Is a Mouse Trap
99% Victory Rate?
Just Warming Up
Run While You Still Can

When Chuck plays a Random Battle, the battle timer doesn't count down. Chuck decides when the battle is over.

The long-awaited credit discounts on researchable tanks are coming back! You’ll unlock them gradually as you complete missions. The first discount on purchasing Tier II vehicles will become available after completing 2 missions. As you progress, the tier of vehicles covered by the discount will also increase. To get a discount on purchasing Tier X vehicles, you need to complete all 32 tasks of my challenge. The discount can be applied even if the vehicle of your choice hasn’t been researched yet.

When Chuck Norris is your commander, you don't need a tank crew*. He can operate a tank with just his pinky.

I don't envy your enemies, because as a commander, I come with three skills (Sixth Sense, Repairs, and Brothers in Arms as a zero perk) and enough experience to learn a fourth skill of your choice.

You definitely still need a crew!

No one knows Chuck Norris’ DPS–no one has ever lasted long enough.

Do you think my tasks are too challenging for you? Use 500 Shards (from the Decorider) to reroll them for easier conditions but the same rewards. This option is available twice per mission.

Chuck Norris doesn’t move his tank around the map. The map moves itself around Chuck Norris.

After completing 5 tasks, you’ll unlock a special “Chuck's slot” for your Holiday Ops vehicles. Initially, you will only be able to place a Tier V vehicle of any type (except Premium) in this slot, but each new Festive Atmosphere Level will increase the vehicle tier that can be selected for this slot. Most importantly, you can choose any of the three bonuses available (+200% to Free XP, +50% to Combat XP, or +100% to Crew XP) for this slot to provide!

I hope you’ll like Chuck’s challenge, Commanders! Perform your best and remember—in the end, there’ll only be Chuck Norris! Now let’s talk about decorating, Large Decorations, and the Festive Atmosphere.


Complete daily missions and Missions From Chuck, earn Small Boxes, put up decorations, and fill this town with festive magic! Feel free to decorate just about anything you see in the town and create your own unique atmosphere.

Hover over elements that can be decorated or click individual elements for a close-up view. While in close-up view, use the panel to the left to navigate between interactive elements.

Large Decorations

In addition to classic decorations, you can outfit your Garage with Large Decorations. This time, they’re completely different, dynamic, and even fancier!

All of them provide a bonus to credits when fighting in Random Battles. You’ll have the opportunity to receive four Large Decorations, and each of them must be placed in its specific slot via the corresponding interactive element. You can either get Large Decorations in Small Boxes, or craft them in the Decorider.

Remember: you can't duplicate Large Decorations! To craft each subsequent Large Decoration, you'll need an increasing number of Shards, which can be obtained by breaking down decorations.


Large Decoration Cost in Shards
First Large Decoration (if 4 Large Decorations are missing) 500 
Second Large Decoration (if 3 Large Decorations are missing) 1,500 
Third Large Decoration (if 2 Large Decorations are missing) 3,000 
Fourth Large Decoration (if 1 Large Decorations is missing) 5,000 

Once you have all 4 Large Decorations, you will not be able to craft any more of them.

Large Decorations don’t increase the Festive Atmosphere Level, but each Large Decoration will help you earn 2.5% more credits in Random Battles. This bonus will become active as soon as the Large Decoration is placed into its slot.

Festive Atmosphere

Classic decorations increase your Festive Atmosphere Level: the merrier and brighter your Garage looks, the higher the Festive Atmosphere Level. At the start of the event, you’ll have Festive Atmosphere Level I.

Improving your Festive Atmosphere Level will earn you a host of in-game rewards: Personal Reserves, blueprint fragments, new female crew members, a spectacular festive 2D style, and more. Check out the complete list of rewards in the widget below:

Interactive image. Choose the Festive Atmosphere Level to see the rewards for reaching this level.
German Tier IV Tank Destroyer Pz.Sfl. IC
100% crew for the Pz. Slf. IC
Garage slot
Small Boxes
Antiduplicator Charge
If you have already received your Well-Deserved Reward, you will receive additional rewards:
Small Boxes
Antiduplicator Charge
“Merry Christmas!” inscriptions
“Lieutenant Gingerbread Man” decals
One random Large Decoration
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +50% to credits for 1 h
Antiduplicator Charge
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +50% to credits for 1 h
Universal fragments
National fragments (Poland)
Training Guide (Poland)
Antiduplicator Charge
Female crew member
Violetta Metelskaya
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +50% to credits for 1 h
Universal fragments
National fragments (Czechoslovakia)
Training Guide (Czechoslovakia)
Antiduplicator Charge
Snow Maiden (select one)
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +50% to credits for 1 h
Universal fragments
National fragments (China)
Training Guide (China)
Antiduplicator Charge
Female crew member
Carol Frost
Holiday Ops vehicle slot for Tier V
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +50% to credits for 1 h
Universal fragments
National fragments (Japan)
Training Guide (Japan)
Antiduplicator Charge
Snow Maiden (select one)
Holiday Ops vehicle slot for Tier VI
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +50% to credits for 1 h
Universal fragments
National fragments (Sweden)
Training Guide (Sweden)
Antiduplicator Charge
Female crew member
Freya Winterson
Holiday Ops vehicle slot for Tier VII
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +50% to credits for 1 h
Universal fragments
National fragments (U.S.A.)
National fragments (France)
Training Guide (U.S.A.)
Training Guide (France)
Snow Maiden (select one)
Antiduplicator Charge
Holiday Ops vehicle slot for Tier VIII
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +50% to credits for 1 h
Universal fragments
National fragments (Germany)
National fragments (U.K.)
Training Guide (Germany)
Training Guide (U.K.)
Female crew member
Frostine Blanche
Antiduplicator Charge
Holiday Ops vehicle slot for Tier IX
Ten out of Ten‎ medal
Cool as a Cucumber badge‎
Holiday Ops style
Personal Training Manual
Universal fragments
National fragments (Italy)
National fragments (U.S.S.R.)
Training Guide (Italy)
Training Guide (U.S.S.R.)
Snow Maiden (select one)
Antiduplicator Charge
Album Access
Holiday Ops vehicle slot for Tier X


Once you reach Festive Atmosphere Level IV, the first of us will come to your Garage. Gradually, as your Garage’s Festive Atmosphere increases, three more of my sisters will join me. You can receive one present from one of us every day.

I’ll yield the chair to my sister who will go into more detail.

Receiving Decorations from the Snow Maidens

The easiest way to get decorations is to talk to us, Commanders! Here’s how it works.

Each of us is responsible for a specific Collection (more on them below). Click on one of us, and we’ll give you one random decoration from our respective Collection. But remember that we can give you a decoration only once a day!

You can also improve the level of decorations you get. Each time you receive a present with a decoration, you fill up a special bar. The more presents you accept from me and my sisters, the higher you raise the Presents Level. Reaching a new level means you will no longer receive lower-level decorations in the present. Once achieved, the Presents Level cannot be decreased.

To completely fill this bar and get only Level V decorations, you need to collect our presents 19 times, but not necessarily on consecutive days–it's okay if you miss a couple of days. You can also increase the level of decorations you receive with Shards.

Presents Level Number of Presents Required Cost per Stage in Shards Total Cost in Shards
1 –> 2 1 100  100 
2 –> 3 3 200  600
3 –> 4 5 300  1,500
4 –> 5 10 400  4,000

Example: You are currently at Presents Level 3. Accordingly, the Snow Maidens will grant you Level III–V decorations. To reach Presents Level 4, you need to pick up their presents 5 times, or spend 1,500 Shards.

If you have claimed a present 2 times out of 5, the number of Shards needed to get to the next Presents Level will decrease from 1,500 to 900 Shards.

All Decorations in the widget below are used as examples of how this mechanic works; the same rules apply to any other Decoration.

New Present Available!

Stage counter. The more stages you complete, the higher the minimum level of decorations in presents from Snow Maidens. Receive daily presents or use Shards to complete stages.
The minimum level of decorations that can be received in presents from Snow Maidens.
The number of Shards required to reach a new Presents Level. They are purchased in the required quantity.
You can use Shards to increase the Presents Level
Shards needed to reach Level V presents: 5900
Presents received from Snow Maidens: 2
Decoration Level: II —V

In addition, Snow Maidens will provide you with daily missions for x5 XP when victorious. Click on them to get your daily random decoration, and you will receive as many x5 missions as there are Snow Maidens in your Garage.

Special Festive 2D Styles

Upon reaching Festive Atmosphere Level X, you will receive a special festive 2D style as a gift. It can be applied to any vehicle in your Garage.

You will also get the same style to apply temporarily to tanks placed in the Holiday Ops vehicles branch slots.

Gather New Collections!

All the decorations you earn or get are part of four themed Collections:

  • Christmas Collection
  • Magic Collection
  • New Year Collection
  • Lunar Collection

Assembling a full Collection nets you an exclusive 2D style and a unique decal. After collecting all the Large Decorations, you'll also get a special decal. Complete all four Collections to earn all four gorgeous brand-new 2D styles and decals for Holiday Ops 2021!

  • Christmas
  • Magic
  • New Year
  • Lunar New Year

Get Your Credits Bonus!

Building Collections and increasing the Festive Atmosphere give you a bonus to credits of up to 40%. Also, don't forget that each Large Decoration gives you another 2.5% to credits earned. Thus, your total bonus to credits when playing in Random Battles can reach up to 50%.

Complete collections, increase the level of Festive Atmosphere, and collect Large Decorations to receive the maximum Bonus to credits.
New Year Collection
More decorations, bigger Bonus to credits.
Christmas Collection
More decorations, bigger Bonus to credits.
Magic Collection
More decorations, bigger Bonus to credits.
Lunar Collection
More decorations, bigger Bonus to credits.
Festive Atmosphere
Gives a multiplier to the Collection Bonus.
Large Decoration
Provides a fixed 2.5% bonus to credits.

The 2018–2020 Collections: Get 'em All!

Once you reach Festive Atmosphere Level X, you will be able to complete the collections of previous years (2018–2020) using Shards from broken down decorations. Exchange Shards for the decorations you need or for the entire collection at once to get all those fancy 2D styles and stunning decals.

The cost of one decoration in Shards is always fixed and depends on its level:

Decoration Level Cost in Shards
I 10 
II 20 
III 30 
IV 70 
V 240 
Large Decoration 820 

Just look at these gorgeous custom looks—they can all be yours!

Now, I give the floor to my sister, who also has something important to tell you!

Greetings, Commanders!

I'm taking the baton from my sister so that I can go into more detail about the Decorider, Holiday Ops vehicles, and some other features of our event.

Crafting Decorations with the Large Holidron Decorider

Everything is like before:

  1. Break decorations you don’t need and put the Shards into the Decorider to get the ones your Collections lack.
  2. Set the parameters (level, type, and collection) for a decoration you want.
  3. Check if there are enough Shards and push the Craft button.

Don’t have anything in particular on your wish list? Pick “Random Collection” and craft a random decoration. It will cost you fewer Shards compared to crafting a specific decoration.


To avoid crafting duplicate decorations, use Antiduplicator Charges. After each use, the Antiduplicator turns off, so be sure to turn it back on manually each time you want to use it.

The number of Charges you can obtain is limited, so use them wisely to craft only the most necessary and rare decorations!

Select the collection of a standard decoration or take a chance.
Select the level of a standard decoration or take a chance.
Select a specific type of standard decoration.
Select a random type of standard decoration.
The indicators show the number of large decorations that are available. A large decoration can be created if the indicator is blinking.
Select whether a standard or a large decoration will be created.
Use the Antiduplicator and its charges to create non-duplicate standard decorations.
Shows how many charges are available. The number of charges is limited.
When enabled, activates the Antiduplicator.
Shows the cost of creating the decorations in shards.
Click here to create a decoration according to the set parameters.
Displays the current settings of the Decorider and hints on how to interact with it.
Displays the current settings of the Decorider and hints on how to interact with it.
Select the collection of a standard decoration or take a chance.
Select the level of a standard decoration or take a chance.
Select a specific type of standard decoration.
Select a random type of standard decoration.
The indicators show the number of large decorations that are available. A large decoration can be created if the indicator is blinking.
Select whether a standard or a large decoration will be created.
Use the Antiduplicator and its charges to create non-duplicate standard decorations.
Shows how many charges are available. The number of charges is limited.
When enabled, activates the Antiduplicator.
Shows the cost of creating the decorations in shards.
Click here to create a decoration according to the set parameters.

Build Your Own Holiday Ops Vehicles Branch!

You can build your own Holiday Ops vehicles branch with up to 6 vehicles, from Tier V to Tier X. All vehicles can be placed in the free slots of the branch, except for Premium vehicles. These vehicles will receive a special bonus in Random Battles, depending on their vehicle class:

  • + 200% to Free XP
  • +50% to Combat XP
  • +100% to Crew XP

You can also unlock "Chuck's slot" by completing five missions of Missions From Chuck, regardless of your current Festive Atmosphere Level. Feel free to choose any of the three bonuses available (+200% to Free XP, +50% to Combat XP, or +100% to Crew XP) for this slot. At first, you will only be able to place a Tier V vehicle of any type (except Premium) in this slot. But each new Festive Atmosphere Level will increase the vehicle tier that can be assigned to this slot.

Starting from Festive Atmosphere Level V, you will receive additional slots for your Holiday Ops vehicles with each new Level achieved. You can change the tanks in the Holiday Ops vehicle branch every 30 minutes for free.

Holiday Ops Large Boxes

No time to collect decorations? Check out our Large Boxes stuffed with a bunch of valuable in-game goodies to treat fellow commanders with!

Each Box contains 250 gold and guaranteed non-duplicate Level V decoration of the respective Collection. It will also include a surprise festive treat, which could be anything from gold, credits, and WoT Premium Account to rare Premium vehicles and brand-new 3D styles.

Get Large Boxes  

Once you have collected all of the Level V decorations, Large Boxes will begin to drop Level IV non-duplicate decorations, and so on until Level I. When there are no more decorations left to collect, 250 Shards will drop instead.

Event Extension

Sooner or later, all holidays end. But in World of Tanks, they last a bit longer than usual! We have decided to extend the effect of the Holiday Ops Vehicles from 11 January (12:00 UTC +8) until almost the end of January.

However, do note:

  • You will have as many Holiday Ops vehicles slots as you unlocked during the event, including the special Chuck's slot from Missions From Chuck.
  • The cooldown when you change vehicles in slots for free will increase (once every 24 hours), but by spending a few credits, you can change them after each battle.
  • All tanks currently placed in your Holiday Ops vehicles slots (including Chuck's slot) will continue to receive their bonuses and the credits bonus.
  • The amount of the credits bonus will be equal to the highest value you achieved during the event, even if you break all decorations and lower the Festive Atmosphere Level.

Holiday Ops 2021 Soundtrack

Want to experience the atmosphere of the upcoming holidays and get yourself into the festive spirit? Listen to the amazing new music we've specially prepared for the event! It will fill your hearts with joy and magic.

The soundtracks for Holiday Ops 2021 will soon be released in a music album on major streaming services, including Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, and others.

Ivan Kucherenko - Magic New Year : Ivan Kucherenko - Magic New Year
Ivan Kucherenko - New Year 2021 (Hangar Theme) : Ivan Kucherenko - New Year 2021 (Hangar Theme)
Aleksey Vanchuk - New Year 2021 (Hangar Guitar Theme) : Aleksey Vanchuk - New Year 2021 (Hangar Guitar Theme)

That’s all, folks! Take on Missions From Chuck, level up your Festive Atmosphere, and earn tons of sweet rewards! We wish you a merry Christmas…

... and a happy New Year!
