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22 - 27 January: Taipei Game Show Hunt Us Down

21/01/2014 In-Game Events
In other languages: th zh-tw ja

Tank Commanders!

If you haven't been to a huge game convention before, now's your chance to experience the best part of it - meeting like-minded people, especially those who share your interests in World of Tanks!

"How," you ask?

This Hunt Us Down event is specially planned for you tankers at home. Like usual, destroy vehicles found in random battles with the [HUNT] clan tag and you will be awarded 500. Here's the twist -  the drivers of these special tanks will be visitors onground at TpGS!

Have fun, and roll out!


22 - 27 January: Taipei Game Show Hunt Us Down

Event StartEvent End
22nd January, 2014 (Wed) 13:30 - 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC) 27th January, 2014 (Mon) 13:30 - 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC) 

 Please note that timings are not fixed and may vary within that range.


Winning Criteria

Land a killing blow on any event tanks that will be making rounds in random games.

Verification of winners will be automated so there is no need to submit any screenshots. Prizes will be credited into winners’ accounts after the battle.


Team-killing is strictly forbidden and intentional team-kills will be penalised.



  • 500