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[Contest] Year of the Goat Challenge! [UPDATED]

06/03/2015 Contests
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The results are in! Click here to find out who the winners are.

Tank Commanders!

It's time for our next big contest for the Lunar New Year!

Just two weeks ago, we published a little teaser about this contest that mentioned a whopping eight Type 59 tanks to be given away. We weren't kidding, then, and we most certainly are not now.

But be warned - Type 59s are still quite rare in World of Tanks, so you'll have to expend more effort if you want to get one here. If you're not feeling too confident about your chances of winning however, we're also going to run another seperate (but related) contest at the same time so you can earn a little goldfor your efforts.

Good luck, and have a happy Lunar New Year!

Roll out!

[Contest] Lucky 8s | [Contest] Fortune Hunters


[Contest] Year of the Goat Challenge: Lucky 8s

Event start: 18 February 2015 @ 14:00 (UTC+8)

Event end: 4 March 2015 @ 14:00 (UTC+8)



  1. Limited to Tier 8 tanks and Random Battles only.
  2. Players must accomplish these conditions:
    • Must be their first win of the day for that tank (redeem the daily EXP modifier)
    • Destroy at least 8 tanks in the battle.
  3. Upload your replay to or any other download page.
    • For those using other download pages and those whose replay page look like this (missing Detailed Report tab), include a screenshot of the in-game Personal Score tab of the Battle Results in your submission.
  4. Edited entries/comments will NOT be accepted.
  5. Strictly one replay per entry. Replays of the same battle will be treated as a single entry.
  6. Only replays from battles within the event period will be eligible.
  7. Deadline of entry submission is on 4 March 2015 at 14:00 (UTC+8).

Winner categories:

  • Lucky 8s! (8 winners):
    • Type 59 tank
    • Garage Slot
    • Awarded to the top 8 players with the highest raw EXP based on the qualified entries.
  •  Lucky Goat Blessings! (10 winners):
    • 888
    • Random draw from all qualified entries.


  • Winners will be announced within 1 week after entry submission ends.
  • In the event that there are players who are tied for Lucky 8's, the ones who submitted their entries first will receive the prize.
  • Players may submit as many unique entries as they wish but may win only once.
  • Prizes will be awarded within 2 weeks after the results are announced.


Submit your entries for Lucky 8s here!


[Contest] Year of the Goat Challenge: Fortune Hunters

Event start: 18 February 2015 @ 14:00 (UTC+8)

Event end: 4 March 2015 @ 14:00 (UTC+8)



  1. Limited to Random Battles only.
  2. Players must accomplish these conditions:
    • Must be their first win of the day for that tank (redeem the daily EXP modifier)
    • Destroy at least one Tier 8 tank in the battle.
  3. Submit the screenshot of the in-game Personal Score tab of the Battle Results as a comment to this thread.
  4. Strictly one Battle Result per entry.
  5. Only Battle Results from battles within the event period will be eligible.
  6. Deadline of entry submission is on 4 March 2015 at 14:00 (UTC+8).

Winner categories:

  • 300(88 winners)
  • Random draw from all qualified entries.


  • Winners will be announced within 1 week after entry submission ends.
  • Players may submit as many unique entries as they wish but may win only once.
  • Prizes will be awarded within 2 weeks after the results are announced.


Submit your entries for Fortune Hunters here!
