Tank Commanders!
Welcome to the 10th Triple Threat contest! There were no winners for the Royal Straight Flush category this week, so we're doubling the amount to a cool 6,000. Will you be lucky enough to get the perfect shot?
Good luck!
- Limited to tanks Tier 5 and above.
- Submit a screenshot of the Personal Score tab of the in-game Battle Results screen showing the following:
- Redeeming the x3 Experience for the First Victory of the day
- At least 3 tanks spotted (Spotting)
- Damage modules or injure crew members of at least 3 tanks (Vehicle modules damages and crew members injured)
- Edited comments will NOT be accepted.
- Only screenshots from battles that took place within the event period will be qualified for this contest.
Winner categories:
- Rapid Response (3 winners, 500 each):
- First 3 players to submit qualified screenshots.
- Straight Flush (1 winner, 1000 ):
- First player to submit a qualified screenshot with at least 3 tanks in each of the Battle Efficiency categories (Spotting, Assistance in Destroying, Vehicle modules damages and crew members injured, Damage, and Enemy Destroyed).
- Lady Luck's Favorites (5 winners, 500 each):
- Randomly selected from the qualified screenshots (RR, SF, and RSF winners excluded).
Bonus Category: ROYAL STRAIGHT FLUSH (1 winner, 6,000):
- Requirements:
- Submit a screenshot of the Personal Score tab of the in-game Battle Results screen showing AT LEAST 3 TANKS WITH LIGHTS ON ALL 5 Battle Efficiency categories.

- A player may win only once each week.
- In the event that there is no winner for the week's Royal Straight Flush, the gold prize will be carried over to the next Triple Threat contest.
- This submission thread will open at 13:30 (UTC+8) of 12 July 2014.
- Submission will close at 14:30 (UTC+8) of 14 July 2014.
Submit your screenshots here!