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[Contest] Stripes Earned: Private [UPDATED]

09/09/2015 Contests
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The results are in! Click here to find out who the winners are.

Tank Commanders,

Just like respect from your comrades, your stripes have to be earned. Show that you are capable of pulling your weight - complete the "Earning your Stripes - Private" mission. Once you're done, send a screenshot of your Personal Score tab showing that the mission has been completed.

30 winners will be randomly drawn from all qualified entries to be awarded with 300 for the job well done.

More details below:


[Contest] Stripes Earned: Private

Event start: 4 September 2015 at 14:00 (UTC+8)

Event end: 7 September 2015 at 14:00 (UTC+8)


  1. Complete the Earning your Stripes - Private mission.
  2. Submit a screenshot of your Personal Score tab of the in-game Battle Results showing that the mission has been completed.
  3. Deadline of entry submission is on 7 September 2015 at 15:00 (UTC+8).



  •  300 (30 winners)
    • Randomly drawn from qualified entries.



  • This thread will open for submission on 4 September 2015 at 14:00 (UTC+8).
  • Don't know how to post your screenshots? Check this guide! Image links will also be accepted as entries.
  • Winners will be announced within 1 week after entry submission ends.
  • Prizes will be awarded within 2 weeks after the results are announced.

 Submit your entries here!
