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[Contest] Stripes Earned: Lieutenant [UPDATED]

23/09/2015 Contests
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The results are in! Click here to find out who the winners are.

Tank Commanders,

There's another 150waiting for you by completing the Earning your Stripes - Lieutenant mission this week, but don't forget: there's another 300to be won if you tell us about your accomplishment!

Simply complete the mission itself, then take a screenshot and show it to us as proof. At the end of the submission period, we'll choose 30 winners from all screenshot submissions. Good luck!


[Contest] Stripes Earned: Lieutenant

Event start: 18 September 2015 at 14:00 (UTC+8)

Event end: 21 September 2015 at 14:00 (UTC+8)



  1. Complete the Earning your Stripes - Lieutenant mission.
  2. Submit a screenshot of your Personal Score tab of the in-game Battle Results showing that the mission has been completed.
  3. Deadline of entry submission is on 21 September 2015 at 15:00 (UTC+8).



  •  300(30 winners)
    • Randomly drawn from qualified entries.



  • This thread will open for submissions on 18 September 2015 at 14:00 (UTC+8).
  • Don't know how to post your screenshots? Check this guide! Image links will also be accepted as entries.
  • Winners will be announced within 1 week after entry submission ends.
  • Prizes will be awarded within 2 weeks after the results are announced.


 Submit your entries here!
