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[Contest] Pre-Anniversary Medal Challenge

21/07/2016 Contests
In other languages: th zh-tw ja

UPDATE: The contest requirements have been adjusted. Good luck!

Tank Commanders,

Up for a little challenge in a contest of skill? This next one will prove interesting for all medal hunters!

Once you sign up to participate, you will be able to compete in two separate categories, called 'Brute Force' and 'Team Work'. All participants will be required to complete several tasks in order to earn one point in a specific category (e.g. Earning a point in Brute Force requires achieving the Confederate and High Caliber medals).

For a chance to win 500, simply earn at least 10 points in Brute Force, or 10 points in Team Work. But there's another special prize involved: if you can get 18 points in Brute Force AND 18 points in Team Work, you'll be entered into a draw for a Type 59!

The complete contest details are posted below.

Good luck!

[Contest] Pre-Anniversary Medal Challenge

Event start: 22 July 2016 at 00:00 SGT (UTC+8)

Event end: 5 August 2016 at 23:59 SGT (UTC+8)

It is currently:


  1. Let us know that you're joining by posting "Count me in!" in the registration thread.
  2. Players may NOT use a different forum account to register a different in-game name (IGN) for participation.
  3. Registration will close on 28 July 2016 at 14:00 (UTC+8).


  1. Limited to Random Battles using tanks Tier 5 and higher.
  2. Achieve either of following conditions in the same battle:
    • Brute Force:
      • Win the battle.
      • Get the Confederate OR High Caliber achievement. [UPDATED]
    • Team Work:
      • Win the battle.
      • Get the Brothers In Arms OR Crucial Contribution achievement. [UPDATED]
  3. Each battle where requirements are met will count as 1 point for that category.
    • If the multiple achievements are acquired, the number of points will correspond to the number of achievements received (Players wins a battle with Confederate, High Caliber, Brothers In Arms and Crucial Contribution medals = 2 Brute Force points and 2 Team Work points). [UPDATED]


  • Type 59 + Garage Slot (10 winners):
    • Randomly drawn from players who have at least 18 Brute Force and 18 Team Work points with at least 3 points contributed by each achievement. [UPDATED]
    • Example: [UPDATED]
      • Qualified: 15 High Caliber and 3 Confederate; 3 Brothers in Arms and 15 Crucial Contribution.
      • Not qualified: 16 High Caliber and 2 Confederate; 2 Brothers in Arms and 16 Crucial Contribution.
  • 500(40 winners total):
    • 20 winners randomly drawn from players with at least 10 Brute Force points.
    • 20 winners randomly drawn from players with at least 10 Team Work points.


  1. Players will not need to submit screenshots or replays for this event.
  2. Only battles fought within the event period will go into the official count.
  3. Winners will be announced via the discussion thread within 1 week after the event concludes.
  4. Prizes will be awarded within 1 week after the winners are announced (usually sooner!). Prize awarding updates will be indicated in the winner announcement post.

Join the Contest here

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