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[Contest] Medal Madness: Brothers in Arms, Crucial Contribution [UPDATED]

14/11/2014 Contests
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The results are in! Click here to find out who the winners are.

Tank Commanders!

This week, we're giving you two things to attempt: the Brothers in Arms medal and the Crucial Contribution medal. Unlike the other awards that we've featured in Medal Madness so far, these two are not attainable alone - one must be in a platoon with another player to do so.

If completed and selected as a winner, the Brothers In Arms medal could potentially net you a sum of 1,000.Think that medal is a little on the easy side? Take a stab at the Crucial Contribution medal instead; upon completion, all members of the platoon that win the challenge will receive an additional 500.

 Time to see how good you are with teamwork!

Roll out!

Event start: 7 November 2014 at 14:00 (UTC+8)

Event end: 14 November 2014 at 14:00 (UTC+8)



  1. Limited to tanks Tier 6 and above.
  2. Battle in a platoon of 2 or 3 players
  3. Submit screenshots of the Personal Score tab showing the week's featured medal and the Team Score tab of the in-game Battle Results screen.

    Brothers in Arms

    Each Platoon member must destroy at least 3 enemy vehicles. All Platoon members must survive the battle. All Platoon members receive the reward. Can be obtained in Random Battles only.

  4. Edited entries/comments will NOT be accepted.
  5. Strictly one set of screenshots per entry/comment.
  6. Only screenshots from battles within the event period will be eligible.


Winner categories:

Note: All members of the Platoon will receive the prize.

  •  The Collector (1 winner, 1,000for each member of the platoon):
    • Player who managed to collect the most number of medals from a single battle, including the featured medal.
    • NOTE: Replay of the battle must also be submitted for this category.
  •  Lucky Money (10 winners, 500for each member of the platoon):
    • Random draw from all qualified entries.


Special Category:

Crucial Contribution

Platoon must destroy at least 12 enemy vehicles. All Platoon members receive the award. Can be obtained in Random Battles only.


  • Brothers in Arms, Crucial Contribution (3 winning platoons, 500each):
    • The first 3 submitted entries that have both the Brothers in Arms and Crucial Contribution achievements will count.
    • NOTE: Replay of the battle must also be submitted for this category.



  • The Collector and Crucial Contribution submissions from  the same battle made by the same platoon will be treated as a single entry.
  • There is no required battle outcome for this event (Victory, Defeat, or Draw battles are all eligible).
  • Players may submit as many entries as they wish, but can only win once per event.
  • In the event that there are players tied for The Collector category, the one who submitted his/her entry first will receive the prize.


Submit your screenshots here!
