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[Contest] Let's Celebrate

21/04/2016 Contests
In other languages: th zh-tw ja

Tank Commanders,

It's our 4th Anniversary! How have you grown as a tanker? We've got some challenges for you.

Complete ALL of the Wargaming Asia/World of Tanks 4th Anniversary missions to get yourself an entry to the prize raffle.

If you're feeling more competitive, there will still be some pretty cool prizes. Participate in the Anniversary Tank Challenge and you'll get to pick between the Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 and FCM 36 Pak 40. Winners will have their tank of choice awarded to their accounts.

Still too easy for you? Try to land yourself a position within Top 10 of players with the highest base EXP for a rare Type 59!

Check the full contest details below:


Event start: 22 April 2016 at 13:50 (UTC+8)

Event end: 29 April 2016 at 13:50 (UTC+8)

A. Anniversary Missions:


  1. Complete all of the Wargaming Asia / World of Tanks 4th Anniversary missions:
    • Happy Anniversary World of Tanks!
    • Party time
    • Party Hard
    • Party Hard with skill
  2. No need to submit screenshots for this event.
  3. Only battles fought while the missions are in effect will go into the official count.


  • 300 (50 winners)
    • Randomly drawn from qualified players.

B. Anniversary Tank Challenge: 


  1. Players must post in the registration thread with the following information to be registered as a participant:
    • "Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f)" OR "FCM 36 Pak 40".
      • This is so that we'll know which tank you'd like to win in case you're chosen in the random draw.
    • Players must post only ONCE.
  2. Players may NOT use a different forum account to register a different in-game name (IGN) for participation.
  3. Registration will close on 27 April 2016 at 14:00 (UTC+8).


  1. Limited to tanks Tier 5 and higher in Random Battles.
  2. Players must play a minimum of 100 battles within the event period to be included in the official tally.
  3. Players will compete to place within the top 100 players with the highest average base EXP for the event.
  4. No need to submit screenshots for this event.
  5. Only battles fought while the missions are in effect will go into the official count.


  • Type 59 + Garage Slot (10 winners)
    • Top 10 players with the highest average base EXP.
  • Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f) + Garage Slot (10 winners) OR FCM 36 Pak 40 + Garage Slot (10 winners)
    • Random draw from players who ranked between 11~100.



  • Winners will be announced via the discussion thread within 1 week after the event concludes.
  • Prizes will be awarded within 1 week after the winners are announced (usually sooner!). Prize awarding updates will be indicated in the winner announcement post.


