Tank Commanders,
Repeating the Skillful Play (Medals) mission has its perks. Players who complete the most of those missions have the highest chances of winning prizes like a
Type 59
Type 62
Full details below:
Holiday Skills Show
Event start: 23 December 2017 at 14:00 UTC+8
Event end: 01 January 2018 at 14:00 UTC+8
- Limited to tanks Tier 4 or higher in Random Battles.
- Complete the Skillful Play (Medals) mission.
- Check out the mission details in-game when it goes live on 23 December 2017 at 14:00 UTC+8!
- Prizes:
Type 59 +
1 Garage Slot (2 winners)
- Top 2 players with the highest rate of mission completions with at least 50 battles played on tanks Tier IV and above.
- Computation: Number of Skillful Play (medals) completions / Number of Tier IV+ battles played.
- In the event of a tie, the player who played fewer battles will receive the prize.
Type 62 +
1 Garage Slot (6 winners)
- Random draw from players who have completed the missions at least 30 times.
1 Garage Slot +
2x Personal Reserves: +100% Crew EXP (Duration: 2 hours) (100 winners)
- Random draw from players who have completed the mission at least 15 times.
- No need to submit screenshots. Results will be automatically retrieved from the server.
- Players may win only ONCE.
- Winners will be announced on or before 8 January 2018.
- Prizes will be awarded within 2 weeks after winners are announced.