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[Contest] Gold Series Playoffs Prediction! [UPDATED]

03/10/2014 Contests
In other languages: vi th zh-tw ja

The results are in! Click here to find out who the winners are.

Tank Commanders,

We're down to the mightiest 4 teams of the season. And we're wondering as much as you are about who's going to be the overall winner of the tournament. But instead of guessing the final winner, let's give this predicting game a little twist and guess the FINAL TWO teams.

Predict the right teams for your ticket to a random draw! There will be 20 winners of 500 each.

Eenie meenie miney mo, which two teams will make the show?

  • T-E
  • Charlotte Tiger
  • PVP Super Friends


[Contest] Gold Series Playoffs Prediction!

Event Start: 29 September 2014 @ 20:00 UTC+8 (12:00 UTC)

Event End: 30 September 2014 @ 20:00 UTC+8 (12:00 UTC)



  1. In the comments, post the name of the two teams you think will advance to the finals of the WGL APAC-Asia Season 2.
  2. Strictly ONE entry per player.
  3. Edited comments will NOT be accepted.
  4. Entry submission will only be open for 24 hours so cast your predictions before it's too late!


Prizes (Random Draw):

  • 20 winners of 500 each



  • Winners will be announced on this thread within a week after the end of the playoffs on 2 October 2014.
  • Prize awarding will take place within 2 weeks winners are announced.


Make Your Guess Here
