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Best Clan Wars Replay of the Week (22-29 September 2014)

22/09/2014 Contests
In other languages: vi th zh-tw ja

The results are in! Click here to find out who the winners are.

Tank Commanders,

Looking to win more gold to fund your efforts to getting the best capable tanks in Clan Wars? Show us that you're worth it, and we just might give you some!

This week, we want you to record some footage of you and your clanmates engaging in Clan Wars battles, then send it to us for viewing. If your replay was the most entertaining of the bunch, you'll be declared the winner of this week's contest, and everyone who participated in the battle shown in the replay (including you) will win 500.More details about the contest are available below.Roll out!


Event Start: 22 September, 2014 (Monday) @14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)

Event End: 29 September, 2014 (Monday) @14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)



  1. Entries must include the following:
    • Replay of the clan wars battle victory played within the event week.
    • Short summary of why this was their best clan wars battle for the week (on-going rivalry, extended battles for that province, etc.)
  2. Entries must be submitted via forum PM to Elphaba.
  3. Clans may submit only one entry for each event week.
    • In the event of multiple submissions, the first replay submitted will be considered as the official entry.
  4. Deadline of entry submission is on 29 September 2014 at 14:00 (UTC+8).



  • 500
    Awarded to the clan members (maximum of 15) who participated in the battle of the winning replay.



  • Summary may be submitted in English, Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Malay, or Vietnamese.
  • We can provide the necessary editing (spelling and grammatical checks) for the summary of the winning replay.
  • Winners will be announced within a week after the submission deadline.
  • Prizes will be awarded within 2 weeks after the winners are announced (usually sooner!).

PM Elphaba to submit your entry!
