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[Contest] Armoured Persona - Heavy Tank

14/11/2014 Contests
In other languages: vi th zh-tw ja

Tank Commanders!

The Armoured Persona contest is back again! Now, your task is to draw the IS-3 heavy tank in a male human form. Have some fun conceptualizing what Mr IS-3 will look like and what he will wear.

Need help to take your drawing skills further? This time, you can upload your work-in-progress to World Manga Academy, an online platform where artists can share their works and learn new techniques. Don't miss this chance to get valuable feedback before submitting your works!

Show us what you've got! The top prize is 10,000!

P.S - As a salute to the popular IS-3, there are also in-game specials going on from 14 November, 2014 to 21 November, 2014!

14 - 21 November: Armoured Persona: IS-3

Event Start: 14 November, 2014 (Friday) @ 13:30 - 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)

Event End: 21 November, 2014 (Friday) @ 13:30 - 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)


Please note that timings are not fixed and may vary within that range.


Enjoy 10% discounts and x1.15 Crew EXP on the following tanks:

Note: Players must deal at least 100 damage in battle to receive the increased Crew EXP.

 Tier VIII HT IS-3


The Armoured Persona Contest

In this contest, your task is simple: Create a male human character design based on the IS-3 in ANY art style you prefer.

There is total freedom to do what you want - your IS-3 male character can be in any shape and setting you wish. However, all submissions must fulfill several requirements to be accepted for the contest:

  1. The character resembles a IS-3 in some way; submissions not based on the tank will not be accepted.
  2. The character is 100% original and does not contain material copied from other intellectual property.
  3. The character has never been featured on the internet or other media (with the exception of WMA) prior to submission for this contest.
  4. All submissions must abide by the forum rules.
  5. All entries submitted for the contest automatically become the property of Wargaming Asia.

Submission and Judging Deadlines

The contest begins on 14th November 2014, so pick up your favourite drawing tool and start sketching! However, do note the following deadlines for the contest:

  • 15th December 2014: Deadline of entry submission. No other entries will be accepted after this day.
  • 19th December 2014: Community's Choice voting begins. The community gets to decide which character designs are the best of them all!
  • 25th December 2014: Last day of voting. No more votes will be counted after this day.

Contest Prizes

Once the Community's Choice votes are tallied, we will finally announce the winners of this contest!

As with some of our contests, we'll be splitting the winners into two categories: Wargaming's Choice and Community's Choice. The best entries chosen by Wargaming staff will be winners in the former, and the most voted-on entries by the Community the latter.

And as a reward of their efforts, winners will receive:

  • Wargaming's Choice
    • 3 winners of 10,000each
  • Community's Choice
    • 1st Place: 7,500
    • 2nd Place: 6,000
    • 3rd Place: 5,000
    • 4th Place: 4,000

Summary of World Manga Academy

DRAW what you love!

SHARE your very own unique drawing techniques by creating lectures!

LEARN from other users on WMA!

Launched in May 2014, World Manga Academy is an online platform where you can unleash your creativity, share your very own unique drawing techniques and connect with like-minded friends from all over the world. And best thing of all, it is FREE! Check out their website and Facebook page to find out more!


Show us your IS-3 Character!

Learning is a never-ending journey for the true artists at heart. One of the best ways to improve is to keep putting your best works out there.

Submit your entry NOW
