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[Contest] Anniversary Kickoff: E 25 Giveaway

04/08/2016 Contests
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Tank Commanders,

Are you up for the challenge to get a prize tank? The E 25 is the reward if you are one of the selected few who destroy a number of tanks from every tech tree. Make full use of your knowledge of weak spots and start hunting those tanks down with what you have. 

Even if you don't manage to destroy all the required tanks, focus on completing certain tech trees first. It is still possible to win a prize of 500 by completing at least 4 nations worth of destroyed tanks. Doing so adds your name to a draw. Win the draw and the prize is yours.

Do your best!

Find out more details below.

Event start: 05 August, 2016 at 00:00 UTC+8

Event end: 19 August, 2016 at 23:59 UTC+8


  1. Let us know that you're joining by posting "Count me in!" in the registration thread.
  2. Players may NOT use a different forum account to register a different in-game name (IGN) for participation.
  3. Registration will close on 12 August 2016 at 14:00 (UTC+8).


  1. Limited to Random Battles using tanks Tier 5 and higher.
  2. Destroy the following tanks.
    • USSR tanks = 30
    • German tanks = 30
    • USA tanks = 30
    • French tanks = 20
    • UK tanks = 20
    • China tanks = 10
    • Japan tanks = 10
    • Czechoslovakia tanks = 5
  3. Prizes:
    • E 25 + Garage Slot (10 winners):
      • Randomly drawn from players who managed to complete the list of tanks to be destroyed.
    • 500 (50 winners):
      • Randomly drawn from players who managed to complete at least 4 nations' worth of destroyed tanks.
  4. Players will not need to submit screenshots or replays for this event.
  5. Only battles fought within the event period will go into the official count.


  • Winners will be announced via the discussion thread within 1 week after the event concludes.
  • Prizes will be awarded within 1 week after the winners are announced (usually sooner!). Prize awarding updates will be indicated in the winner announcement post.