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07-21 February: Valentine Skin Design Contest

07/02/2014 Contests
In other languages: th zh-tw ja

Tank Commanders!

As couples around the world celebrate this special day, let's give three cheers for a great man in history - Saint Valentine of Rome! Although he wasn't the designer of the British Light Tank, the Valentine, he did do some lonely soldiers a favour by performing weddings for them when it was forbidden for enlisted men to marry.

In honour of this brave hero, we're rolling out a tank skin design contest! The contest's theme is "Valentine's Day". Show your favourite tank some love and design a skin for it!

5 of the best skin artists will be awarded with 2,000 each!

Read on for more details!

Details and Rules

07-21 February: Valentine Skin Design Contest

Event Start: 07 February, 2014 (Friday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC) 

Event End: 21 February, 2014 (Friday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)


  • Choose from any of your favourite tanks and design a skin.
  • Each player may only submit one skin per tank.
  • Submit a screenshot of the tank with an ORIGINAL skin you designed.
  • The screenshot must include your IGN for verification purposes.
  • Each tank screenshot counts as one entry.
  • The best 5 entries will be rewarded 2,000 gold.
  • Entries close on 21st February 2014.


Visit the Contest Thread in the forums
