Introducing Seasonal War Games

Tank Commanders!

Over the course of the last month, we've been conducting tests on the weekly Stronghold War Games format. Thanks to your participation and feedback, we are now ready to launch its next iteration: the new Seasonal War Games!

How it Works

The Seasonal War Games will be an extension of the current War Games: instead of daily session leaderboards, War Games will be held in 4-week Seasons, with 4 weekly leaderboards and 1 seasonal leaderboard.

Week / Iteration

Start date

End date

Week 1

4 May

10 May


Week 2

18 May

24 May

Week 3

25 May 

31 May

Week 4

1 June

7 June

  • Prime Times: 16:00 - 23:00 UTC +8 (HK & ANZ servers)
  • Each week, clans will receive rankings and rewards based on their position on each of the 4 weekly leaderboards
  • Weekly rankings will cumulatively determine the clan's final seasonal ranking, for which they will also receive rewards

As always, general Clan Wars rules (see below) and War Games regulations continue to apply, so be sure to read up on them before the competition begins.

Speaking of rewards, here's what you can expect to earn by competing in the Seasonal War Games!

Weekly Rewards

  • Assembly
  • Rush
  • Demolition
  • Vanquish
Ranking Clan Reserves

1 - 4

Tier XII Military Maneuvers x2

5 - 8

Tier XII Military Maneuvers x1

9 - 15

Tier XII Military Maneuvers x1

Ranking Gold Bonds Industrial Resource Clan Reserves
1 20,000 8,000

Tier XII Battle Payments x2
Tier XII Military Maneuvers x2
Tier XII Tactical Training x2

2 17,000 7,000

Tier XII Battle Payments x2
Tier XII Military Maneuvers x2
Tier XII Tactical Training x2

3 14,000 6,000

Tier XII Battle Payments x2
Tier XII Military Maneuvers x1
Tier XII Tactical Training x1

4 12,000 5,000

Tier XII Battle Payments x2
Tier XII Military Maneuvers x1
Tier XII Tactical Training x1

5 10,000 4,000 Tier XII Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Military Maneuvers x2
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
6 9,000 3,500 Tier XII Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Military Maneuvers x2
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
7 8,500 3,100 Tier XII Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Military Maneuvers x1
Tier XI Tactical Training x2
8 8,000 2,700 Tier XII Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Military Maneuvers x1
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
9 7,500 2,400 Tier XII Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Tactical Training x2
10 7,000 2,100 Tier XII Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
11 6,700 Tier XI Battle Payments x2
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
12 6,400 Tier XI Battle Payments x2
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
13 6,100 Tier XI Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
14 5,800 Tier XI Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
15 5,500 Tier XI Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
16 5,200
17 4,900
18 4,700
19 4,500
20 4,300
21 4,100
22 3,900
23 3,700
24 3,600
25 3,500
26 3,400
27 3,300
28 3,200
29 3,100
30 3,100
31 3,000
32 2,900
33 2,900
34 2,800
35 2,700
36 2,600
37 2,600
38 2,500
39 2,400
40 2,400
41 2,300
42 2,200
43 2,100
44 2,100
45 2,000
46 1,900
47 1,900
48 1,800
49 1,700
50 1,700
51-75 20,000
Ranking Clan Reserves
1 Tier XII Battle Payments x2 Tier XII Military Maneuvers x2 Tier XII Tactical Training x2
2 Tier XII Battle Payments x2 Tier XII Military Maneuvers x2 Tier XII Tactical Training x2
3 Tier XII Battle Payments x2 Tier XII Military Maneuvers x1 Tier XII Tactical Training x1
4 Tier XII Battle Payments x2 Tier XI Military Maneuvers x2 Tier XII Tactical Training x1
5 Tier XII Battle Payments x1 Tier XI Military Maneuvers x2 Tier XI Tactical Training x1
6 Tier XII Battle Payments x1 Tier XI Military Maneuvers x1 Tier XI Tactical Training x1
7 Tier XII Battle Payments x1 Tier XI Military Maneuvers x1 Tier XI Tactical Training x2
8 Tier XII Battle Payments x1 Tier XI Tactical Training x1
9 Tier XII Battle Payments x1 Tier XI Tactical Training x2
10 Tier XII Battle Payments x1 Tier XI Tactical Training x1 Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
11 Tier XI Battle Payments x2 Tier XI Tactical Training x1 Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
12 Tier XI Battle Payments x2 Tier XI Tactical Training x1 Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
13 Tier XI Battle Payments x1 Tier XI Tactical Training x1 Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
14 Tier XI Battle Payments x1 Tier XI Tactical Training x1 Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
15 Tier XI Battle Payments x1 Tier XI Tactical Training x1 Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
Ranking Gold Bonds Industrial Resource Clan Reserves
1 20,000 8,000

Tier XII Battle Payments x2
Tier XII Military Maneuvers x2
Tier XII Tactical Training x2

2 17,000 7,000

Tier XII Battle Payments x2
Tier XII Military Maneuvers x2
Tier XII Tactical Training x2

3 14,000 6,000

Tier XII Battle Payments x2
Tier XII Military Maneuvers x1
Tier XII Tactical Training x1

4 12,000 5,000

Tier XII Battle Payments x2
Tier XII Military Maneuvers x1
Tier XII Tactical Training x1

5 10,000 4,000 Tier XII Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Military Maneuvers x2
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
6 9,000 3,500 Tier XII Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Military Maneuvers x2
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
7 8,500 3,100 Tier XII Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Military Maneuvers x1
Tier XI Tactical Training x2
8 8,000 2,700 Tier XII Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Military Maneuvers x1
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
9 7,500 2,400 Tier XII Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Tactical Training x2
10 7,000 2,100 Tier XII Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
11 6,700 Tier XI Battle Payments x2
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
12 6,400 Tier XI Battle Payments x2
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
13 6,100 Tier XI Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
14 5,800 Tier XI Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
15 5,500 Tier XI Battle Payments x1
Tier XI Tactical Training x1
Tier XI Additional Briefing x1
16 5,200
17 4,900
18 4,700
19 4,500
20 4,300
21 4,100
22 3,900
23 3,700
24 3,600
25 3,500
26 3,400
27 3,300
28 3,200
29 3,100
30 3,100
31 3,000
32 2,900
33 2,900
34 2,800
35 2,700
36 2,600
37 2,600
38 2,500
39 2,400
40 2,400
41 2,300
42 2,200
43 2,100
44 2,100
45 2,000
46 1,900
47 1,900
48 1,800
49 1,700
50 1,700
51-75 20,000

Gold and bonds will be individually awarded according to the usual War Games regulations.

Seasonal Rewards

Ranking Style Pin-Up Decal Emblems


Digital Adapted & Nightfall



4 – Top 10%

Top 11% – Top 50%



Top 51% – Top 75%


Only players who have participated in at least 5 battles during the Season will be eligible to receive Seasonal rewards.

We hope you'll enjoy this event and share us your feedback so we can continue to improve it. Good luck on the battlefield, and may the best clan win!

Discuss on Discord

Clan Wars Rules


Clan Wars activities include, but are not limited to: Global Map seasons, Global Map events, Global Map campaigns, Stronghold Skirmishes/Advances modes, and other in-game activities related to inter-clan competition.

These rules will apply to all active clans involved in Clan Wars activities, and may be revised at any time as necessary, without prior notice.

Rules updated as of June 2019.

Clan Wars Violations

The following actions/behaviour are prohibited and are considered Clan Wars violations. Please send a ticket to the Support Center under the "Clan Wars" category to report:

  1. Account-sharing in Clan Wars
    1. Sharing an account with 1 or more players
    2. Use of an account shared by other player(s)
  2. Use of multiple accounts to participate in any Clan Wars-related activities, which includes but is not limited to:
    1. Use of 2 or more accounts to participate in Global Map battles during the same event, season, campaign, or Clan Tournament
    2. Use of 2 or more accounts to operate multiple clans on the Global Map or in a Clan Tournament
    3. Use of 2 or more accounts in Clan Wars activities to gain unfair advantage for any clan or individual player account
  3. Designating a fake/dummy account as clan commander or clan officer
  4. Abusive gameplay
  5. Rigging battles / fake battles
  6. Mass bidding on Global Map, while
    1. Failing to participate in the battles of won bids
    2. Attempting to gain unfair advantages for own/other clans (to be determined at the discretion of WG staff)
  7. Exploiting Advances mechanics to gain unfair advantage and/or harass the opponent (including but not limited to: matchmaking rigging, repeatedly failing to participate in scheduled battles etc.)
  8. Multiple team-kill, suicide, AFK (including leaving battle before the battle ends) incidents in one or more consecutive Clan Wars battles
  9. Any other actions considered inappropriate in Clan Wars (to be determined at the discretion of WG staff)

All reports MUST contain at least one of the following before any investigation may be undertaken:

  • Screenshots related to the violation or player/clan action (full image, no editing)
  • Battle replays related to the violation or player/clan action
  • Message logs related to the violation or player/clan action (image format)

Personal Violations

The following actions/behaviour are considered personal violations and will NOT be investigated by Clan Wars management staff. Please send a ticket to the Support Center under the "Rule Violations" category to report:

  • Use of prohibited mods (including botting)
  • Abusive in-game chat/PMs
  • Individual suicide in a Clan Wars battle (note: individual team-kill & AFK incidents will automatically be covered by the in-game penalty system)
  • Any in-game rule violation which is not related to Clan Wars

Clan Treasury Payout Limitations

Currency Daily Limit per Player
Gold 5,000 
Bonds 2,000 