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Update 9.14 Releasing on 15th March [UPDATED]

14/03/2016 Announcements
In other languages: th zh-tw ja

[UPDATED] Update 9.14 is now live!

Tank Commanders!

The next update for World of Tanks is on its way. Assigned with the version number of 9.14, we'll be releasing it for the Asia server on 15th March.

For this Update, we've reworked the movement and sound systems that are currently present in the game. When Update 9.14 is released, the vehicles will both sound and feel even closer to their real-life counterparts.

Of course, this also comes with a multitude of other changes and bug fixes. Check out the full patch notes in this page, or read on for a brief overview of what awaits you!

Server maintenance

Please be informed that there will be server downtime while we make preparations for the release of Update 9.14 on 15th March from 03:00 UTC+8 (14th March, 19:00 UTC). The approximate downtime is 4.5 hours with a shorter downtime expected for the portal services.

During this maintenance, the following will be unavailable due to the update:

  • WOT Asia Server
  • Login services for:
    • Portal
    • Support Site
    • Giftshop
  • Clan Portal
  • Clan Wars
    • The Global Map will be frozen on 15th March from 02:00 UTC+8 for 24 hours.
    • Stronghold battles will be reset from 15th March 01:59 UTC+8 until 16th March 02:59 UTC+8.

Note: All players, who had paid content (premium account etc.) by the start of release, will be compensated with additional 24 hours use term of that content.

New Features

Improved Vehicle Movement Physics

Vehicle movements just got a lot more realistic!

In Update 9.14, new physics models will be introduced that will change how your vehicle controls in battle. Aside from new maneuvers and behaviours, expect to see effects caused by ramming, skidding and literal tank flipping as well.

Learn more about the new physics system here.

Improved Sound

The in-game sound effects are also receiving a hefty upgrade in Update 9.14. When the update is released, a much wider array of interactions in World of Tanks will prompt a unique sound effect.

As enjoyable as experience these may be, the new sound system will also offer you gameplay cues, such as the ability to differentiate between the various calibers that the enemy is using against you whether they hit your tank or whistle past harmlessly.

More details can be found here and here.

IS-6 HD model, Technical Characteristics Changes

As yet another mainstay in World of Tanks due for an upgrade, the IS-6 will also undergo a major facelift with Update 9.14. Not only will it have a fresh set of HD textures, it's technical characteristics will also be altered slightly to bring it more in line with its original design.

Details about the changes have already been published recently in this article. Join the discussion thread here.

And Several Other Things...

...including updated minimaps, personal reserves, streamlined module research and new loading screens, all of which are described in greater detail in this article released recently.

