China / Czechoslovakia

Maximum reverse speed changed from 16 km/h to 20 km/h.
View range with the 59-Patton turret changed from 370 m to 400 m.
Aiming time of the 90 mm Gun M41 for the 59-Patton turret changed
from 2.5 s to 2.3 s.
Reload time of the 90 mm Gun M41 for the 59-Patton turret changed
from 7.6 s to 7.5 s.
Dispersion of the 90 mm Gun M41 changed from 0.38 m to 0.36 m.
Improved firepower and aiming parameters; improved view range; improved reverse speed. This vehicle can now make use of its high damage per minute and improved mobility to quickly destroy enemy vehicles by aiming at their weak points. The improved mobility will also increase its survivability.

Škoda T 40
Penetration of the Vz. 39N OPG shell for the 8,8 cm vz. 37N gun changed
from 132 mm to 145 mm.
Added the Nárazový shell.
Added the Vz. 46 průpalný shell.
Amendments are similar to those of Heavy Tank No. VI.
United Kingdom

Dispersion on the move with the Achilles IIC suspension decreased by 4%.
Dispersion on hull traverse with the Achilles IIC suspension increased by 4%.
Reload time of the OQF 17-pdr AT Gun Mk. VII for the Achilles Duck Bill turret changed from 4.6 s to 4.4 s.
Dispersion of the OQF 17-pdr AT Gun Mk. VII changed from 0.33 m to 0.32 m.
Improved aiming parameters and increased damage per minute. This TD will now be better able to hunt and destroy enemy vehicles.

Traverse speed of the Challenger suspension changed from 26 to 28.
Dispersion on the move with the Challenger suspension decreased by 14%.
Dispersion on hull traverse with the Challenger suspension decreased by 7%.
Dispersion on the move with the Avenger suspension decreased by 15%.
Dispersion on hull traverse with the Avenger suspension decreased by 8%.
Reload time of the OQF 17-pdr AT Gun Mk. VII for the Challenger turret changed from 4.5 s to 4.4 s.
Dispersion of the OQF 17-pdr AT Gun Mk. VII changed from 0.34 m to 0.32 m.
Aiming time of the OQF 17-pdr AT Gun Mk. VII for the Avenger turret changed from 1.7 s to 1.6 s.
Reload time of the OQF 17-pdr AT Gun Mk. VII for the Avenger turret changed from 4.1 s to 3.9 s.
Dispersion on turret traverse of the OQF 17-pdr AT Gun Mk. VII decreased by 20%.
Dispersion of the OQF 17-pdr AT Gun Mk. VII changed from 0.33 m to 0.3 m.
Improved aiming parameters and increased damage per minute. This TD will now be better able to hunt and destroy enemy vehicles.

Dispersion of the 76 mm L-10U gun changed from 0.53 m to 0.44 m.
Standard ammunition penetration increased from 66mm to 98mm.
Added the UBR-354KA shell.
Added the UBR-354KB shell.
Added the UOF-354K shell.
Removed the BP-350A shell.
Upgraded penetration, accuracy, and muzzle velocity, in order to make this vehicle competitive in today's Random Battles.

Т-54 ltwt.
Reload time of the 100 mm D-10T gun for the T-54 ltwt. version turret changed from 7.6 s to 8.2 s.
Aiming time of the 100 mm D-10T mod. 1945 gun for the T-54 ltwt. version turret changed from 2.2 s to 2.1 s.
Reload time of the 100 mm D-10T mod. 1945 gun for the T-54 ltwt. version turret changed from 7.5 s to 8.3 s.
This vehicle stands out among all light tanks for its versatility: the vehicle is equally capable of effectively dealing damage, spotting, and even “tanking” enemy fire. In Update 9.15, changes will be made to aiming parameters damage per minute to be more in line with other Tier VIII light tanks.

Т-22 med.
raverse speed of the T-22 med. suspension changed from 54 to 40.
Dispersion on the move with the T-22 med. suspension increased by 50%.
Dispersion on hull traverse with the T-22 med. suspension increased by 50%.
Crossing capacity on solid terrain for the T-22 med. suspension decreased by 50%.
Crossing capacity on medium terrain for the T-22 med. suspension decreased by 43%.
Crossing capacity on soft terrain for the T-22 med. suspension decreased by 33%.
Aiming time of the 100 mm D-54TS gun for the T-22 med. turret changed
from 1.9 s to 2.4 s.
Reload time of the 100 mm D-54TS gun for the T-22 med. turret changed
from 7.5 s to 8.1 s.
Dispersion on turret traverse of the 100 mm D-54TS gun increased by 50%.
Dispersion of the 100 mm D-54TS gun changed from 0.33 m to 0.38 m.
Traverse speed of the T-22 med. turret changed from 48 deg/s to 30 deg/s.
The T-22 med. is a multipurpose vehicle that has all the striking features of Soviet medium tanks, and outstanding armour due to its special hull design. All these features have caused the T-22 medium to outperfom its peers, so it was decided to review the performance characteristics of this vehicle to make its performance more comparable to researchable Tier X medium tanks. The T-22 med. will retain its excellent armour, and the players who earned it will remain owners of a powerful and unique combat vehicle.

Pz.Kpfw. V/IV Alpha
Cost of Camouflage reduced by 17%.
Dispersion on the move with the Pz.Kpfw. V/IV suspension decreased by 33%.
Dispersion on hull traverse with the Pz.Kpfw. V/IV suspension decreased by 11%.
View range with the Pz.Kpfw. V/IV turret changed from 350 m to 365 m.
Aiming time of the 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 gun for the Pz.Kpfw. V/IV turret changed from 2.3 s to 2.0 s.
Dispersion after a shot of the 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 gun decreased by 12%.
Dispersion of the 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 gun changed from 0.39 m to 0.37 m.
Traverse speed of the Pz.Kpfw. V/IV turret changed from 30 deg/s to 44 deg/s.
Durability decreased from 820 HP to 520 HP.
Vehicle's Tier changed from VI to V.
Tier of the Pz.Kpfw. V/IV turret changed from IV to V.
Tier of the Pz.Kpfw. V/IV suspension changed from VI to V.
This tank was updated to be more competitive in today's Random Battles. It will no longer see Tier VII battles, and was moved from Tier VI to Tier V. Improved gun stabilisation and accuracy.

Pz.Kpfw. V/IV
Cost of Camouflage reduced by 17%.
Dispersion on the move with the Pz.Kpfw. V/IV suspension decreased by 33%.
Dispersion on hull traverse with the Pz.Kpfw. V/IV suspension decreased by 11%.
View range with the Pz.Kpfw. V/IV turret changed from 350 m to 365 m.
Aiming time of the 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 gun for the Pz.Kpfw. V/IV turret changed from 2.3 s to 2.0 s.
Dispersion after a shot of the 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 gun decreased by 12%.
Dispersion of the 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 gun changed from 0.39 m to 0.37 m.
Traverse speed of the Pz.Kpfw. V/IV turret changed from 30 deg/s to 44 deg/s.
Durability decreased from 820 HP to 520 HP.
Vehicle's Tier changed from VI to V.
Tier of the Pz.Kpfw. V/IV turret changed from IV to V.
Tier of the Pz.Kpfw. V/IV suspension changed from VI to V.
This tank was updated to be more competitive in today's Random Battles. It will no longer see Tier VII battles, and was moved from Tier VI to Tier V. Improved gun stabilisation and accuracy.

Dispersion on the move with the Kanonenjagdpanzer suspension increased by 20%.
Dispersion on hull traverse with the Kanonenjagdpanzer suspension increased by 20%.
Aiming time of the 90 mm Rheinmetall DM1 gun for the Kanonenjagdpanzer turret changed from 2 s to 1.8 s.
Penetration of the DM13A1 shell for the 90 mm Rheinmetall DM1 gun changed
from 212 mm to 238 mm.
Added the DM502 shell.
Added the M431 shell.
This is now a mobile TD with low alpha damage and excellent penetration. Decreased stabilisation on the move, which in turn decreases effectiveness of firing on the move. Improve aiming time, penetration, and muzzle velocity. This vehicle is now more suited to quickly finding a good position and firing from there.

M56 Scorpion
Dispersion on the move with the M56 Scorpion suspension decreased by 12%.
Dispersion on hull traverse with the M56 Scorpion suspension decreased by 12%.
Maximum reverse speed changed from 12 km/h to 17 km/h.
Aiming time of the 90 mm Gun M54 for the M56 Scorpion turret changed from 2.0 s to 1.9 s.
Dispersion on barrel move of the 90 mm Gun M54 decreased by 29%.
Improved mobility and reverse speed. The M56 can now move around more actively on the map, and has reduced aim time. It can now roll out from behind cover, take a shot, and quickly run back behind cover.

Dispersion on the move with the T95E2 suspension decreased by 36%.
Dispersion on hull traverse with the T95E2 suspension decreased by 36%.
View range with the T95E2 turret changed from 390 m to 400 m.
Traverse speed of the T95E2 turret changed from 32 deg/s to 44 deg/s.
Improved stablisation and accuracy on the move; improved view range; shortened aim time; improved view range to 400m (top of its tier)

Crossing capacity on solid terrain for the T95E6 suspension increased by 22%.
Crossing capacity on medium terrain for the T95E6 suspension increased by 20%.
Crossing capacity on soft terrain for the T95E6 suspension increased by 10%.
Aiming time of the 120 mm Gun T123E6 for the T95E6 turret changed
from 2.3 s to 2 s.
Dispersion of the 120 mm Gun T123E6 changed from 0.4 m to 0.38 m.
Improved terrain crossing capacity; reduced aim time; improved gun accuracy.

Type 91 Heavy
Dispersion on the move with the Dai-chi Osaka Sensha suspension decreased by 15%.
Dispersion on hull traverse with the Dai-chi Osaka Sensha suspension decreased by 15%.
Dispersion on the move with the Type 91 Heavy suspension decreased by 17%.
Dispersion on hull traverse with the Type 91 Heavy suspension decreased by 17%.
Reload time of the 47 mm Gun Type 1 for the Type 91 Heavy turret changed from 2.2 s to 2.1 s.
Aiming time of the 7 cm Gun Type 94 for the Type 91 Heavy turret changed from 2.8 s to 2.6 s.
Reload time of the 7 cm Gun Type 94 for the Type 91 Heavy turret changed from 4.2 s to 4 s.
Dispersion of the 7 cm Gun Type 94 changed from 0.52 m to 0.48 m.
Improved aiming and stabilisation paramters; improved damage per minute.

Type 95 Heavy
Aiming time of the 7 cm Gun Type 94 for the Type 95 turret changed
from 2.9 s to 2.3 s.
Aiming time of the 7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 99 for the Type 95 turret changed from 2.5 s to 2.3 s.
Reload time of the 7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 99 for the Type 95 turret changed from 3.4 to 3.3 s.
Dispersion on turret traverse of the 7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 99 decreased by 29%.
Durability increased from 430 HP to 440 HP.
Improved firepower and survivability of the vehicle.

O-I Experimental
Traverse speed of the O-I Experimental suspension changed from 22 to 20.
Dispersion on hull traverse with the O-I Experimental suspension increased by 9%.
Traverse speed of the O-I Experimental Kai suspension changed from 24 deg/s to 22 deg/s.
Dispersion on hull traverse with the O-I Experimental Kai suspension increased by 10%.
Aiming time of the 10 cm Cannon Type 14 for the O-I Experimental turret changed from 2.6 s to 2.8 s.
Reload time of the 10 cm Cannon Type 14 for the O-I Experimental turret changed from 9.7 s to 10 s.
Aiming time of the 12 cm Short Barrel Gun for the O-I Experimental turret changed from 2.6 s to 2.9 s.
Reload time of the 12 cm Short Barrel Gun for the O-I Experimental turret changed from 9.6 s to 10.5 s.
Dispersion on turret traverse of the 12 cm Short Barrel Gun increased by 29%.
Reload time of the 7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 3 for the O-I Experimental turret changed from 3.5 s to 3.6 s.
Dispersion on turret traverse of the 7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 3 increased by 17%.
Aiming time of the 7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 5 for the O-I Experimental turret changed from 2.2 s to 2.3 s.
Reload time of the 7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 5 for the O-I Experimental turret changed from 3.6 s to 3.7 s.
Dispersion on turret traverse of the 7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 5 increased by 20%.
Traverse speed of the O-I Experimental turret changed from 26 deg/s to 22 deg/s.
Changes were made to this vehicle to make it perform similarly to other heavy tanks of the same Tier in combat. The O-I Exp. will still be able to rush forward, “tanking” damage, but the adjusted aiming parameters will cause O-I Exp. commanders to spend a little more time aiming before firing.

Traverse speed of the O-I suspension changed from 20 deg/s to 16 deg/s.
Traverse speed of the O-I Kai suspension changed from 22 deg/s to 18 deg/s.
Dispersion on the move with the O-I Kai suspension increased by 11%.
Dispersion on hull traverse with the O-I Kai suspension decreased by 22%
Reload time of the 10 cm Cannon Type 92 for the O-I turret changed
from 11.1 s to 12 s.
Dispersion on turret traverse of the 10 cm Cannon Type 92 increased by 14%.
Reload time of the 15 cm Howitzer Type 96 for the O-I turret changed
from 25 s to 26 s.
Dispersion on turret traverse of the 15 cm Howitzer Type 96 increased by 12%.
Traverse speed of the O-I turret changed from 20 deg/s to 18 deg/s.
Durability decreased from 970 HP to 950 HP.
Similar to the O-I Experimental, the changes will make the O-I's combat effectiveness approximately equal to its peers. The main changes to this vehicle are related to the gun's aiming and stabilisation parameters.

Heavy Tank No. VI
Penetration of the Pzgr. 39 shell for the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56 gun changed
from 132 mm to 145 mm.
Added the Pzgr. 40 shell.
Added the Sprgr. shell.
Upgraded standard shell penetration. It is now a Tier VI heavy tank with excellent damage per minute and a large HP pool. It can now penetrate Tier VIII vehicles from the front by hitting their weak spots.

Reload time of the 90 mm Rifled Gun for the STA-2 turret changed
from 7.1 s to 7.5 s.
Dispersion after a shot of the 90 mm Rifled Gun decreased by 14%.
Penetration of the M318A1 shell for the 90 mm Rifled Gun changed
from 185.9 mm to 212 mm.
Added the M71 shell.
Added the Type 70 shell.
The STA-2 now plays more like the STA-1. However, it has become a bit more of a support tank. Penetration is increased, but damage per minute has been decreased. It will shoot less often, but the chance of a penetrating hit will be a little higher.