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Server & Portal Maintenance on 23 December, 2014 [UPDATED]

22/12/2014 Announcements
In other languages: vi th zh-tw ja

The World of Tanks team would like to inform all players that there will be server downtime while we make preparations for the release of Update 9.5 commencing on 23 December, 2014 from 05:00 UTC+8 (22 December, 21:00 UTC). The approximate downtime is 5 hours with a shorter downtime expected for the portal services.

During this maintenance, the following will be unavailable due to the update:

  • WOT Asia Server
  • Login services for:
    • Portal
    • Support Site
    • Giftshop

Stonghold battles (besides skirmishes) will also be reset from 23 December, 2014 @ 04:00 UTC+8 (22 December, 20:00 UTC) to 24 December, 2014 @ 04:59 UTC+8 (23 December, 20:59 UTC) [UPDATED].

Note: All players, who had paid content (premium account etc.) by the start of release, will be compensated with additional 24 hours use term of that content.

We thank you for your patience and kind understanding.
