Server Maintenance on 18 May, 2018

Tank Commanders,

Please be informed that there will be maintenance on the server on 18 May, 2018 starting from 05:00 UTC+8. It will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. You will not be able to access the game client during this period.

Patch notes:

  • Fixed the issue when the Valhallan Ragnarok and Mordian styles provided no bonus to concealment.
  • Frontline mode: improved the system of dynamic zone defense. Now, if the attacking team captures two zones in line 1, capturing a zone in line 2 requires 220 capture points (instead of 250). If the attacking team captures all three zones in line 1, capturing a zone in line 2 requires 100 capture points (instead of 150).

We thank you for your patience and kind consideration in this matter.
