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In Development Section Has Moved!

24/02/2016 Announcements
In other languages: th zh-tw ja

Tank Commanders,

The In Development section has moved!

We've revamped the section in order to better organise information about future updates.

The section will now have a main page and two subsections.

Preview of New In Development Section

Main Page

The main page provides a summary of features and vehicles in development.


Clicking on either the Physics and Sound or the Vehicles tab will bring you to their respective subsections, where there will be more detailed information about what's being improved for the next update.

The new Vehicles section looks similar to the old one. There will be lots of images of new tanks and HD remodels as before, and from time to time, there will be additional information as well.

To get a look at the new In Development section, simply click the button below.

Roll out!
