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E-25 to be withdrawn from sales [Updated]

13/01/2015 Announcements
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Note: The E-25 will be removed from the Gift Shop on 15 January, 2015 at 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC).

Tank Commanders,

This is an announcement to inform you that the E-25 Premium tank destroyer will be withdrawn from the in-game store from 23rd December 2014 onwards. The vehicle will subsequently be removed from the Premium Shop on 15th January 2015 as well. While the tank will not be available for purchase after this, all existing E-25 owners will be able to keep their tanks.

The Tier VII E-25 is, as some players say, a superb tank with an unusual 'groovy' gameplay. With a privileged maximum battle level, comfortable gameplay and all the advantages of a Premium vehicle at a reasonable price, all these factors combined has produced a deadly 'German Flea' that has inspired immense popularity amongst players.

Unfortunately, this success story has its own pitfalls; the total number of E-25s in battle is steadily increasing, which leads to an imbalance in battles of their respective levels.

We love the E-25 as much as you do, which is why we have reached the difficult decision to withdraw the vehicle from sales gradually, instead of altering its unique personality with painful corrections and rebalancing attempts. In doing so, the E-25 will now enjoy the status of being a thrilling action vehicle, as it was the case with the Type 59, KV-5, 105 IeFH18B2, Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f) and the Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f).

Of course, being in this select group also means that there is still a possibility of it being obtainable through other methods, be it special events or as a reward for participation in contests or competitions in the future.

To repeat the announcement: The E-25 will cease to be sold in the in-game Shop from 23rd December 2014 onwards, and will be discontinued in the Premium Shop on 15th January 2015. Here we extend to you one last chance; if you've ever wanted to purchase an E-25 but held off on it until now, this is your final chance to expand your collection!

Roll out!

Shop for your E-25 here
