Server Issue Compensation (06 September, 2024)


Due to technical issues, we had some server issues that prevented a lot of you from playing World of Tanks on September 05-06, 2024 for 14 hours.

To make up for the disruption and inconvenience caused, we are offering compensation.

Players who log in game from September 09, 17:00 to September 15, 17:00 UTC+8 will be able to claim the following:


1 Day
WoT Premium Account


1 Personal Reserve:
+100% to Credit for 1 h*


1 Personal Reserve:
+300% to Free & Crew XP for 1 h


1 Personal Reserve:
+100% to Combat XP for 1 h


Players who subscribed to WoT Plus will get an additional personal reserve (1x +100% to Credits for 1 h)

Thank you for your patience and kind understanding.
