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Server Maintenance on 27 November, 2015

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The World of Tanks team would like to inform all players that there will be a maintenance on the server on 27 November, 2015 (Friday) starting from 05:00 UTC+8 (26 November, 2015, 21:00 UTC). It will take approximately ~ 45 minutes.

The World of Tanks Update 0.9.12_1 server micropatch will be applied during this downtime. The full patch notes are as follows:

  1.        Fixed the display of additional information on the minimap upon pressing ALT.
  2.        Fixed the issue with uncontrolled spinning of SPGs when traversing the gun past the gun traverse angles.
  3.        Fixed the sorting of Inscriptions in the Exterior section for U.S. vehicles.
  4.        Improved the earning rate for credits and experience in the Domination mode.
  5.        Returned the information about Industrial Resource earned by members of a clan to the clan profile.

We thank you for your patience and kind understanding.

Note: Due to this patch, Strongholds battles (besides skirmishes) will be reset on 27.11.2015 from 03:59 to 07:59 UTC+8 (26.11.2015, 19:59 UTC to 23:59 UTC).
