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9.14 Common Test #2 [UPDATED: Server Active]

26/02/2016 Announcements
In other languages: th zh-tw ja

Tank Commanders,

The time has come to test the improvements intended for Update 9.14, mentioned in this article!

Download and log in to the Common Test client to see what changes will be made when the actual Update is released.

Want to send us some feedback about this Common Test? Do make your way to the forums to let us know how you feel. Your opinions may influence changes to future Updates!

Common Test 9.14 #2 is now ACTIVE.

To participate in the test you need to do the following steps:

  1. Download & Run the installer found here.
  2. Update the game via the launcher. If you have previously installed the previous Common Test client, run the launcher and allow it to update in order to run this Common Test.

Please install the test game launcher in a different folder, other than the one currently use by the main game client! Also, please close the main game client before installing the update.

Please Note! Only players who have registered prior to 23:59 FET (20:59 UTC) on 31.01.2016 can participate in the test.


Scheduled server restarts are as follows: 

  • 1 periphery: 12:00 UTC+8 (04:00 UTC) daily. Average Duration: ~25 minutes
  • 2 periphery: 13:00 UTC+8 (05:00 UTC) daily. Average Duration: ~25 minutes
  • Center: 17:00 UTC+8 (09:00 UTC) daily. Average duration: ~2 minutes

Special features of the Common Test server:

  • Payments are not accepted on the public test server.
  • Progress will not be transferred to the main Asia server.
  • All test accounts will receive a one-time crediting of 
    • 100,000,000 Free EXP
    • 100,000,000 Credits
    • 20,000

The test server is subject to EULA and general rules of World of Tanks game server. The restrictions and punishments are the same as on the official game server of World of Tanks.

Preliminary Patch Notes

These are the list of changes and features that will be implemented on the 9.14 Common Test server.

These are preliminary Common Test notes and do not include the full details of all changes. The full list will be available upon the release of Update 9.14.

Changes in 9.14 Common Test #2 vs. 9.14 Common Test #1

Improved Sounds
  1. Fixed an issue where the sound of track repairs being completed would loop for nearby vehicles.
  2. Fixed an issue where the sound of falling coins (when purchasing an item with credits or gold) was disrupted.
  3. Fixed an issue where music would stop abruptly upon closing the Battle Results screen.
  4. Fixed issues where battle loading screens would play multiple instances of music at once.
  5. Fixed the delay of voice notification playback upon hitting an enemy vehicle.
  6. Fixed an issue where sounds were missing for engine, shots, vehicle destruction by ammo rack detonation, as well as missing voice notifications.
  7. Increased the volume of engine and track sounds. Balanced the volume of main sounds, decreased the overall noise.
  8. Improved the sound indicating the direction from which a shot was fired.  
  9. Distinguished the sound of destruction of player's vehicle from the general combat ambience.
  10. Remade the sound played upon triggering the Sixth Sense.
Improved Physics
  1. Fixed some general technical issues.
  2. Fixed an issue for SPGs where the reticle did not follow the camera in Artillery Aim.
  3. Adjusted the damage the vehicle receives from hitting the ground when falling from a hill.  
  4. Decreased the jitter of camera in Sniper Mode when driving on irregular terrain.
  5. Improved vehicle responsiveness to control buttons.
  1. Fixed an issue where Emblems on the sides of the E 25 were incorrectly rotated.
  2. Corrected the number of suspension wheels for the 105 leFH18B2 SPG.
  3. Improved the hull armor of the MS-1.
  4. Added the missing tooltip for Czechoslovakian nation in the Tech Tree screen
Technical Improvements
  1. Fixed an issue where error messages would appear upon minimising the game client.
  2. Fixed the crash of the game client upon loading a map or Battle Training.
  3. Fixed an issue where disproportionate rectangular shadows would display under the vehicle.
  4. Missions in the Maneuvers section will be available for players who registered in the game after the release of version 0.9.10 and who have completed the "Further Research" mission in Recruit Training. Previously, these missions were available for those players who had fought fewer than 50 battles before version 0.9.10 was released. 
  5. Fixed some minor issues with interface.  

Changes in 9.14 Common Test #1 vs. Update 9.13

Improved Physics
  1. Introduced a new server model for vehicle movement, as well as for collisions of vehicles with various surfaces, objects, and other vehicles.
  2. Added new types of maneuvers, as well as modifications to vehicle control and behavior.
  3. Added new visual effects for vehicle movement and traverse (skidding, sliding).
  4. Reworked the behavior of vehicles when ramming or colliding with other vehicles.
  5. Implemented the mechanics for turning vehicles over.
Improved Sounds
  1. Replaced the current FMOD sound engine with Audiokinetic Wwise. This allows to process sounds on a separate core, which improves the performance of multi-core hardware systems practically on all configurations.
  2. Reworked the sounds of the basic subsystems: 
    • Gunshots: both inside and outside of vehicle turrets. However, the current system of calibers has been kept.
    • Gun loading: The sound corresponds to a particular caliber as well as depends on type of loading system: manual or automatic (magazine loading systems).
    • Shell penetration: Players can now not only identify the calibre of the penetrating shell (or penetration type), but they can also identify how much damage such penetration has caused to their vehicles.
    • Reworked the sounds of tracers.
    • Reworked the sounds of vehicle destruction.
    • Fully reworked vehicle engine sounds.
    • Fully reworked the sounds of tracks, transmissions; the sounds of interaction with various types of surfaces.
  3. Reworked and re-implemented the special sound that plays upon causing a critical hit. This notifies players that they have caused critical damage to enemy vehicles.
  4. Implemented sound for the Sixth Sense "bulb".
  5. Implemented sound notifications about damaged modules (observation device, turret, fuel tanks, radio, ammo rack).
  6. Implemented sounds for basic consumables (First Aid Kit, Repair Kit, Fire Extinguisher).
  7. Implemented sound presets for playing with different sound systems and at different times of day.
General Features
  1. Added a list of goal-setting missions (Maneuvers) to the Recruit Training tab (for players in Tier IV-V vehicles).
  2. Reduced the number of modules for low-tier vehicles (to facilitate the research process).  
  3. Improved the system of filters and tooltips for storing and activating Personal Reserves.
  4. Clan Profile:
    • Added clan search option to the Stronghold tab.
    • Improved visual components.
  5. Improved the display settings for loading screens. Now players can select the following settings:
    • Classic loading screen—teams are displayed in one table;
    • Loading screen with the minimap;
    • Loading screen with tips.
  6. Added Belarusian, Ukrainian and Kazakh localisations.
  7. Added a short name of a player's vehicle with the vehicle type icon to the list of teams (TAB screen). The information about the player's currently selected vehicle is displayed in the list of teams (TAB screen) until this player respawns in another vehicle. When all player's vehicles are destroyed in a battle with a limited number of respawns, the information about the last destroyed vehicle is displayed.
  8. Added the display of the following characteristics on the minimap:
    • Current view range of a vehicle;
    • Maximum view range;
    • Vehicle draw range. 
  1. Added the following vehicles for testing by Supertest players:
    • Kirovets-1, Tier VIII U.S.S.R. heavy tank
    • T25 Pilot Number 1, Tier VIII U.S. medium tank
    • Bat.-Châtillon 25 t AP, Tier IX French medium tank
    • leKpz M 41 90 mm, Tier VII German light tank
    • Sentinel AC IE2/IV, Tier VI U.K. medium tank
    • Grille 15, Tier X German tank destroyer
  2. Reworked 24 vehicles in HD quality:
    • USSR: IS-6, MS-1, A-20
    • Germany: E 25, Pz.Kpfw. T 25, G.W. Tiger, Nashorn, VK 30.01 (H), VK 72.01 (K)
    • USA: M44, M53/M55, T20, T40, T1 Heavy Tank, T28 Prototype
    • France: 105 leFH18B2, AMX 50 Foch (155)
    • UK: AT 15, Crusader, Sexton II
    • Japan: Type 3 Chi-Nu, Type 97 Chi-Ha, Type 5 Ke-Ho, Chi-Ni
  3. Improved the visual models of the following vehicles:  SU-100, IS, M4 Sherman, Centurion Mk. 7/1
  4. Improved the collision models of the following vehicles: T29, T30, T34
  5. Added the Improved Ventilation equipment for the T28 Prototype.
  6. Changed the crew configuration of the T95E2 to make it compliant with the M48A1 Patton's crew configuration.
  7. Fixed some issues with the visual models of some vehicles.
  1. Added the Ravaged Capital map to the Rampage mode.
  2. Reworked the Sacred Valley map.
Technical Improvements:
  1. Fixed some functionality and customisation issues.
  2. Improved interfaces, added conditions for applying customisation elements to vehicles (completion of Personal Missions).
  3. Implemented the ability to disable voice chat (by pressing Alt+Q). Added the ability to change the key combinations in the settings.
  4. Improved the interface of the cart when purchasing customisation elements.
  5. Implemented the ability to view customisation elements grouped by types (camouflage, emblems, inscriptions) in the Confirm Purchase window.
  6. Implemented the option to exchange currency (gold/credits) in the Confirm Purchase window.
  7. Fixed the issue of bad links for ASIA and KR localisations in the miniclient.
  8. Improved camera performance when zooming in on objects.