Character Profile: Mikhail


  • Age: 24
  • Career experience: 3 years
  • Preferred vehicle: T-44
  • Combat style: Flanker
"Why? Because I love it. Shooting tanks is fun to me, and I'm good at shooting tanks. The money's a nice bonus, too." — Mikhail

Mikhail holds the distinction of being the Gun Striders' flanking specialist and also the single most dangerous member of the team. Like a tiger stalking its prey, Mikhail prefers to stay concealed while he guides his tank ever closer to his enemies, finally pouncing on them only when the time is right.

Mikhail's T-44 is by no means the top performing tank in the sport. Thanks to an inventive mind and excellent battle awareness however, the suave superstar has managed to transform it into one of the most feared sights on the battlefield.
