About Rating

Crediting of Victory Points

Condition Amount of Victory Points
Clan chips transfer 1,000
Conquer any basic Asgard province 2,000
Conquer any regular Asgard province 2,000
Conquer any Valhalla province 10,000


  • Information about Victory Points will be made available after the first battles of the event have taken place and will be updated in hourly intervals.

Crediting of Fame Points

  • The basic amount of Fame Points that players will earn per battle throughout the event equals the total sum of all EXP earned by all participants of the battle, divided by 15. Premium account and other bonus modifiers will not be counted towards the total amount of EXP available.
  • Members of a clan participating in a revolt or landing battle will gain the basic amount of Fame Points for each battle, except battles the province owner.
  • All bonus coefficients that will apply during the event is displayed on the table below. These bonuses will be applied before calculating the final amount of Fame Points earned. If several conditions are satisfied, the coefficients will be active.
Conditions Fame Points bonus coefficient
Participation in battles for landing or revolts during Twilight of Gods event Basic amount
Participation in battle for province (attack opponent's province, defend a province, encounter battle) x5
Participation in battle against province owner during revolt or landing tournament x5


  • Coefficients by province types contain the following values:
Province Coefficient
Basic province on ordinary map 1.0
Revolt province on ordinary map 1.0
Gates to Asgard 2.0
Basic province in Asgard 4.0
Common province in Asgard 4.0
Valhalla 10.0


  • Coefficients by battle type and by province type recalculate between each other.

Note: Prearranged Battles are a violation of the regulations and are strictly forbidden; any players discovered to have done so will have their total Fame Points erased or face an account ban.

In case of a disputable situation when crediting Victory or Fame Points (due to suspicions of false battles, etc.), Wargaming Administration reserves the right to ask for battle replays, screenshots and other information with regards to the matter. If the information is not available, Administration will make an independent decision. We strongly recommend enabling the 'Replay Recording' in Game Options.

  • Information about player rankings in the Alley of Fame will be updated on an hourly basis.