Get ready to command French wheeled vehicles, tackle updated Personal Missions with improved reward tanks, and check out a fresh take on a once-forgotten locale with a new atmospheric soundtrack.
Now everyone can get their hands on wheeled vehicles and test out their unique mechanics. Update 1.4 introduces five French armored cars and the branch will run from Tier VI to X. Take them for a ride and share your impressions!


VII EBR Hotch.

VIII Lynx 6x6


X EBR 105

Personal Missions Updates
We've released a set of updates for Operation: Chimera of “The Second Front” campaign, and adjusted the characteristics of two illustrious reward vehicles, the Chimera and the Object 279 early. Thanks to your feedback, both reward tanks now have more accurate and effective guns!


0.36 m (▼ 0.02 m)
Aiming time
2.5 s (▼ 0.2 s)
Dispersion on turret traverse / during movement
0.2 m (▼ 0.04 m)
Velocity of standard shell
950 m/s (▲ 218 m/s)
Velocity of Premium shell
1,100 m/s (▲ 186 m/s)
Penetration of standard shell
218 mm (▲ 16 mm)
View range
380 m (▲ 20 m)
Improved gun characteristics will emphasize the vehicle’s main feature, which is high damage per shot. Overall improvement to firing performance, as well as increased View Range will allow this tank to perform the role of a maneuverable and rapid support vehicle suitable for mid-range encounters.

X Object 279 early

0.36 m (▼ 0.02 m)
Aiming time
2.3 s (▼ 0.02 s)
Dispersion on turret traverse
0.06 m (▼ 0.02 m)
Improved the lower plate
Specific changes to the technical characteristics of the Object 279 (e) will improve the vehicle’s combat performance and strengthen the lower armor plate that was quite vulnerable in some combat situations.

Concurrent Rendering Support

Update 1.4 brings a new important technological feature – concurrent rendering support. Developed in close collaboration with Intel, many of you will see a noticeable increase in FPS, especially on medium- and high-performance PCs.

Ghost Town, a map that previously served as an arena for battles in various game modes and tournaments, will return as a Random Battles map. This “long-forgotten” locale has received a considerable revamp and an atmospheric soundtrack. Ghost Town is now more epic, beautiful, and has grown to 1000x1000 meters.
Ghost Town

Premium Account

Players with Premium will be credited an additional 24 hours of Premium Account time to make up for the maintenance period. If you’d like to make any in-game purchases, please wait until the servers are running again.


World of Tanks servers will be down on February 6 from 02:00 to 10:00 UTC+8 to get everything in order.

To battle, Commanders!

Learn all about the new French wheeled vehicles, concurrent rendering support, improvements to Personal Missions and the in-depth reworking of Ghost Town.

