Global Map: Operation Gambit Regulations

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The “Operation Gambit” event is one of the toughest ordeals for clan Commanders and coordinators in the Global Map’s entire history.

Operation Gambit Overview

The event will be split into three stages of progressively longer durations, all of them featuring the same core mechanics.

Instead of simply breaking the event down into three phases, the stages serve to help clans gain a greater insight into the rules and correcting possible errors in planning.

Just like before, both players and clans will have to earn Fame Points to turn in a good performance during Operation Gambit.

Players will earn Fame Points for participating in battles, but it's the overall clan's successfulness in the event that will determine the number of prizes they receive.

Clans will earn Fame Points for both participating in battles and completing a Front's special conditions for scoring points.

The battlefield is divided into three successive Fronts, each of them differing in terms of the number of Fame Points earned and the approach to scoring them.

At any moment, a clan can employ special mechanics to leave the map and exchange all of their Fame Points for Research Points.

Research Points can be invested into various technologies that will increase the scoring rate of clan and personal Fame Points as well as facilitate a clan's actions on the map.

Thus clans have to invest earned Fame Points sensibly in order to increase the number of Fame Points received.

Best results will be achieved by those clans and players who manage to find the balance between earning Fame Points and exchanging them for technologies, while simultaneously exhibiting strong performance in battles.

1. General Rules

1.1. The "Operation Gambit" event will take place from November 23 to December 18.

1.2. The event will be split into 3 stages and the Global Map will be frozen for a day in between them. Also, the Global Map may be frozen for 2 days due to an update release, this freeze has already been scheduled for Operation Gambit. The exact date of the two-day freeze will be announced later.

1.3. All clans, both existing and brand new, can participate in the event.

1.4. The map is divided into 3 Fronts: Basic, Advanced, and Elite. The chance to access the Advanced and Elite Fronts' territory is limited.

1.5. Revolts are off.

1.6. All events take place in the Absolute format - 7x7 Tier X vehicles.

1.7. Battle duration – 15 minutes. 

1.8. Fog of War is on.

1.9. Penalties for a no-show in battle are on.

1.10. Province income in gold is off. During Operation Gambit, the provinces provide from 1 to 3 special bonuses to their owners.

1.11. Province owners do not participate in tournaments on landing provinces, landing auctions, and battles in tournaments as well as in attacks by their provinces' land.

1.12. Clans holding captured territories can apply for landing tournaments within the Basic Front.

1.13. Clans cannot attack landing provinces within the Basic Front by land.

1.14. Clans can attack landing auctions within the Advanced and Elite Fronts by land.

1.15. The Headquarters is off. Divisions can be organized in any province.

1.16. Division organization and upkeep are free.

1.17. Division modules are on to a limited extent. All organized Divisions are automatically equipped with one module—the Engineer Battalion that decreases the cooldown for Division relocation over owned provinces by 50%.

1.18. Landing provinces within the Basic Front are dynamic and change their location upon the conclusion of landing battles.

1.19. Maximum number of landing tournament participants—32.

1.20. Maximum number of landing tournament participants on the first day of the stage during "Repartition of the World"—16.

1.21. Landing auctions within the Advanced and Elite Fronts are dynamic and change their location upon the conclusion of battles between the contestants for the province.

1.22. Maximum number of landing auction participants within the Advanced Front—16, within the Elite Front—8.

1.23. Maximum number of concurrent applications for landing within the Basic Front available to a clan—14. The number of concurrent applications for landing depends on the number of clan members that have Tier X vehicles in their Garage.

1.24. Shifting battles by 15 minutes is on in 50% of provinces.

1.25. Vehicle freeze is on in battles for the Elite Front's provinces. Vehicle freeze time is 144 hours.

1.26. Operation Gambit's maps:

  • Karelia
  • Malinovka
  • Abbey
  • Murovanka
  • Sand River
  • Prokhorovka
  • Mines
  • Steppes
  • Tundra
  • Cliff
  • Himmelsdorf
  • Ensk

2. Special Rules

During Operation Gambit, there will be a multitude of new concepts and mechanics that have never been used before. Listed below is a brief glossary to ease the understanding of the mechanics described further:

  • Stages—the event is split into three stages in order to gradually get acquainted with the mechanics and correct possible initial errors in planning.
  • Fronts—each region's battlefield is divided into 3 Fronts with different access conditions and mechanics.   Each subsequent Front features fewer provinces, a more intense rivalry, and more valuable rewards.
  • Bonuses—clan enhancements are allocated to provinces, which clans gain access to upon capturing a province.
  • Technologies—special advantages that clans receive by investing previously earned Fame Points.
  • Laboratory—the site where technologies can be purchased. Technologies can be purchased for Research Points that can only be obtained from clan Fame Points.
  • Investing—a special mechanic that converts all stockpiled clan Fame Points into Research Points for purchasing technologies. When investing, the clan will be automatically removed from the map if it owns provinces on the Fronts during the event.
  • Landing auction—a fusion of landing and auction where a portion of clans make bids in Fame Points for landing, while another portion gets there by using bonuses and technologies.

3. Battlefield

3.1. Prime Times of the event:

  • From 16:00 to 18:00 UTC+8, and 20:00 to 22:00 UTC+8 inclusive

3.2. The battlefield is divided into 3 Fronts: Basic, Advanced, and Elite.

4. Fronts

The map is divided into 3 Fronts with different access conditions, numbers of clan and personal Fame Points earned, and strategic mechanics.

Each province on the Global Map features from one to three bonuses providing strategic advantages to the province owner.

The allocation of bonuses over the provinces stays the same throughout the entire event.

4.1. Basic Front

4.1.1. Clan Fame Points can only be received for battles within the Basic Front.

4.1.2. Applications for landing within the Basic Front are available to any clan of at least 7 players who have Tier X vehicles.

4.1.3. Dynamic landings are available within the Basic Front; at the same time, clans that own provinces on any other fronts are allowed to submit applications for a landing within the Basic Front.

4.2. Advanced Front

4.2.1. Within the Advanced Front, clan Fame Points can be earned both for battles and for controlling provinces.

4.2.2. There are three ways to gain access to the provinces of the Advanced Front:

  • Capture a province with a bonus that provides an Application for a landing auction within the Advanced Front.
  • Purchase the "Application for a landing auction within the Advanced Front" technology in the Laboratory.
  • Make a bid in Fame Points on a landing auction (see point 6 of the Regulations)

4.2.3. As compared to the Basic Front, on the Advanced Front provinces, the 1.1 multiplier shall be applied to the Fame Points earned in battles.

4.2.4. For holding a province within the Advanced Front, clans are rewarded with clan Fame Points whose number decreases with each passing day of ownership. These clan points are earned once per day, following the end of all battles on the province.

Duration of province ownership on the Advanced Front (Prime Times) Clan Fame Points
1 4,000
2 3,000
3 2,000
4 1,000
5+ 0


Thus if clans capture a province within the Advanced Front for the first time, they receive 4,000 clan Fame Points. If they hold it for the second day, they receive 3,000 clan Fame Points, if they hold it for the third day—2,000 clan Fame Points and so on.

4.2.5. Upon recapturing the province (except for the capture after investing) the bonus stays the same, as if the clan kept holding the province. For example, a clan was holding a province for 3 days, then lost it, and then recaptured it the next day. In this case the clan receives 1,000 clan Fame Points for the first day of recapture and 0 clan Fame Points the next day. 

4.2.6. Investing resets the days of province ownership to zero, and if the province is recaptured, its income is calculated as if the clan did not own said province before.

4.3. Elite Front

4.3.1. On the Elite Front territories, clan Fame Points can be received for battles, for holding provinces, and for the number of captured provinces.

4.3.2. There are two ways to gain access to the provinces of the Elite Front:

  • Purchase the "Application for a landing auction within the Elite Front" technology in the Laboratory.
  • Make a bid in Fame Points on a landing auction (see point 5 of the Regulations)

4.3.3. As compared to the Basic Front, on the Elite Front provinces, the 1.2 multiplier shall be applied to the Fame Points earned in battles.

4.3.4.  Clans receive a reward of 6,000 clan Fame Points for owning provinces, similar to provinces of the Advanced Front (see point 4.2.4 of the Regulations). The number of Fame Points will also reduce with each passing day of ownership. Clan Fame Points are earned once per day, following the end of all battles on the province.

Duration of province ownership on the Elite Front (days) Clan Fame Points
1 6,000
2 4,500
3 3,000
4 1,500
5+ 0


4.3.5. Clans owning groups of provinces on the Elite Front territories receive clan Fame Points. At the end of the day, clans owning provinces on the Elite Front territory are rewarded with clan Fame Points, depending on the number of provinces owned following the end of all battles on these provinces.

Number of provinces owned on the Elite Front Reward in clan Fame Points
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 9,000
5 9,000
6 18,000
7 18,000
8+ 45,000


At the same time, if a clan manages to retain the provinces after battles end on them and then leaves the Global Map, it will receive said clan Fame Points regardless.

4.3.6. Vehicle Freeze in Battles within the Elite Front

  • Destroyed vehicles are frozen for 144 hours in any battle within the Elite Front, except for battles with province owners.  Upon achieving victory in battles with province owners, vehicles are frozen for 72 hours.
  • Vehicle freeze time can be decreased with the help of a special technology.
  • Frozen vehicles can participate in battles within the Basic and Advanced Fronts.

5. Clan Improvements

Clans can increase the scoring rate of Fame Points with the help of various bonuses and technologies.

Improvements are split into two groups—technologies that can be purchased in the Laboratory for Research Points and bonuses that can be received for capturing and holding provinces that provide said bonuses. The effects of bonuses and technologies are cumulative, see points 5.3 and 5.4 of the Regulations for details.

5.1. Research Points and Investing

5.1.1. Investing is a special mechanic that exchanges all Fame Points stockpiled by the clan into Research Points at a certain rate. The rate can be improved with the help of certain technologies.

5.1.2. When activating this mechanic, the clan is removed from the Global Map, and all currently stockpiled clan Fame Points are converted into Research Points.

5.1.3. Only clan Commanders and Executive Officers can apply for investing.

5.1.4. The actual conversion of Fame Points to Research Points takes place upon processing the turn following the application submission. 

5.1.5. Investing cannot be applied for once the Prime Time starts in provinces where the clan has battles scheduled.

5.1.6. Once investing is completed, the ability to receive the full bonus from provinces of the Advanced and Elite Fronts is restored (pp. 4.2 and 4.3 of the Regulations)

5.1.7. The conversion of Fame Points into Research Points is permanent, exchanging Research Points into clan Fame Points is not permitted. Keep that in mind, especially at the end of Operation Gambit.

5.2 Laboratory

5.2.1. The Laboratory is a special shop where you can purchase various technologies for Research Points.

5.2.2. All active clan improvements can be viewed in the Laboratory.

5.2.3. The number of available technologies varies for different stages. More details on technologies in p. 5.4 of the Regulations. 

5.3. Bonuses

5.3.1. Each province on the event map holds from one to three various bonuses.

5.3.2. Bonuses are enabled when the clan becomes a province owner and disabled when the clan loses it.

5.3.3. The effect is not cumulative when a clan owns several provinces with the same type of bonus. The clan gains the effect only from the highest bonus. For example, a clan holds two provinces, one of which features a "+3% to personal Fame Points" while the other features a "+10% to personal Fame Points". Eventually, the clan members will receive only the "+10% to personal Fame Points" bonus per battle.

5.4. Technologies

5.4.1. A Technology is purchased once per stage, and is active for the entire duration of the stage.

5.4.2. Technologies become active right after they are purchased in the Laboratory.

5.4.3. The effect of technologies of the same type is cumulative. Thus, if a clan purchases an "Increased number of personal Fame Points per battle +5%" technology and later purchases the "Increased number of personal Fame Points per battle +10%" technology, the clan members will receive +15% of personal Fame Points for battles.

5.4.4. The cost of technologies can change dynamically, depending on the number of clans that purchase this particular technology. The more clans purchase a particular technology, the cheaper it becomes for the clans that have not purchased it yet.

5.5. Summary table of bonuses and technologies available during the stages

Improvement Technology Bonuses Stage during which the improvement is available

Increased number of personal Fame Points per battle
  (Basic, Advanced, Elite Fronts) 1

Increased number of clan Fame Points per battle
  (Basic, Advanced, Elite Fronts) 1

Increased number of clan Fame Points for owning Advanced and Elite Front provinces
  (Basic, Advanced, Elite Fronts) 1

Application for Advanced Front auction
  (Basic front) 2

Application for Elite Front auction

Increased reward for the number of provinces on Elite Front territories
  (Elite front) 2

Increased bonus effect from provinces

Reduction of vehicle freeze time

Increased exchange rate of clan Fame Points to Research Points


6. Landing Auctions in the Advanced and Elite Front Provinces

6.1. The territories of the Advanced and Elite Fronts can be reached only through landing auctions.

6.2. There are two ways to participate in a landing auction: by gaining access to it with the help of a technology or a bonus, or by making a bid in clan Fame Points.

6.3. The main feature of the landing auctions in Operation Gambit is that there can be more than one winner in the auction. Thus, the winners of the auction face each other in a tournament, and the winner of the tournament fights against the province owner. The maximum number of tournament participants depends on the Front: 16 participants on the Advanced, 8 on the Elite Front; the maximum number of participants can be increased if necessary.

6.4. 8 applications for the landing auction on the Advanced Front and 4 applications for the landing auction on the Elite Front are reserved for clans that gained access by capturing a province with the corresponding bonus or by purchasing said bonus in the Laboratory.

6.5. Within the period of submitting the applications for auction (1 turn before the start of battles), all clans can make bids in clan Fame Points for the landing auction or submit applications with the help of available bonuses and technologies.

6.6. Unlike the standard rules for Influence, the preliminary results are not calculated.

6.7. One turn before the start of battles, a tournament table is formed of 16 teams on the Advanced Front, and from 8 teams on the Elite Front. It is made of clans that sent an application to landing auction using the bonuses and technologies, and clans that made the highest bid in clan Fame Points. Example: 20 clans sent an application for participation in a landing auction of the Advanced Front. There are 2 clans that own provinces with the relevant bonus and 4 clans that purchased this application in the Laboratory. Another 14 clans made bids in clan Fame Points. One turn before the start of battles, a tournament table is formed of 6 clans with the corresponding improvements (there are 2 clans that own provinces with the relevant bonus and 4 clans that purchased this technology) and 10 clans that made the highest bid in clan Fame Points. The 4 clans that made the lowest bids in clan Fame Points will not participate in the tournament.

6.8. The bids of the clans that did not enter the tournament will be returned to the clan.

6.9. Battles of the finalists of the auction are performed according to the standard rules of the "tournament of challengers to a province" with the x5 multiplier to personal and clan Fame Points.

7. Fame Points

7.1. In Operation Gambit, clans fight for Fame Points that allow for competing for the top awards of the events.

7.2. Both clans and players receive Fame Points for fighting in battles. All players of one team receive the same number of points for one battle.

7.3. Calculation of Fame Points in a Battle:

  • Fame_Points—number of Fame Points per battle.
  • Fame_points_base—base amount of Fame Points; in Operation Gambit it is 700 points.
  • Battle_type_c—the battle type multiplier.
  • Event_value_c—the game event multiplier.
  • Еlo_c—the Elo rating multiplier, corresponds to the Elo rating of the Front for Tier X vehicles.
  • Team_XP—amount of experience, received by a team in a battle.
  • Battle_XP—total amount of experience, received by teams in a battle.
  • Team_size—the specified size of a team—7. 
  • Bonus_р —the multiplier from the active bonuses for Fame Points per battle (different for clans and players).
  • Technology_р—the multiplier from the activated technologies for Fame Points per battle (different for clans and players).
  • Battle_type_c—Battle type multiplier:

    Battle Type Multiplier
    The tournament of challengers in the landing province of the Basic Front 1
    The tournament of challengers in a regular province of any front and the tournament of challengers in a landing auction on the Advanced and Elite Fronts. 5
    A battle with the owner on all provinces 5
  • Event_value_c—Game event multiplier:

    Province Type Multiplier
    Landing province of the Basic Front 1
    Basic Front province 1
    Advanced Front province (including landing auctions) 1.1
    Elite Front province (including landing auctions) 1.2
  • Elo_c—Elo rating multipliers:

    Enemy Clan Elo Rating Elo_c
    <=1000 1.0
    1001–1050 1.1
    1051–1100 1.2
    1101–1150 1.3
    1151–1200 1.4
    1201–1250 1.5
    1251–1300 1.6
    1301–1350 1.7
    1351–1400 1.8
    1401–1450 1.9
    >=1451 2.0

7.4. Personal Fame Points

7.4.1. Personal Fame Points can be earned in the event only for participation in battles.

7.4.2. Personal Fame Points are saved for the duration of the event, regardless of stage, date of joining, or leaving a clan. 

7.4.3. The history of received personal Fame Points will be available in a player's profile on the game portal.

7.5. Clan Fame Points

7.5.1. Clan Fame Points can be earned for participation in battles, as well as for completion of special conditions on the Advanced and Elite Front territories.

7.5.2. The history of received clan Fame Points will be available in the clan profile on the clan portal.

7.5.3. Following the end of a battle and receiving different numbers of clan Fame Points, if the victorious clan earned fewer clan Fame Points (including the landing auction bids that did not win), the 5% from the difference in clan Fame Points (including the landing auction bids that did not win) shall be transferred from the losing clan to the victorious clan. Example: There are two clans in a battle. A victorious clan has 1,000 clan Fame Points, a losing clan has 101,000 clan Fame Points by the end of this battle. The difference in their clan Fame Points is 100,000. 5,000 represents 5% of this difference. Thus, the losing clan will lose 5,000 clan Fame Points that will be transferred to the victorious clan.

7.5.4. Clan Fame Points can be spent on the landing auction on the Advanced and Elite Front territories. The auction mechanic is described in section 6 of the Regulations.

7.5.5. Clan Fame Points can be converted into Research Points by the investing mechanic.

7.5.6. Clan Fame Points (as well as the amount of invested points) are displayed on the Global Map, which allows players to estimate enemy clans by the amount of points spent on technologies, and by the speed of earning of clan Fame Points.

7.6. Collusions will be treated as a violation of the Regulations, and shall be punished by complete withdrawal of Fame Points both from the clan and the participants of the battle, as well as by suspension of the accounts of the violators.

7.7. In the event of disputable situations with receiving of Fame Points (suspicions of collusion, etc.), the game administration reserves the right to demand the replay of a battle, screenshots and other information to investigate the situation. If the required information was not provided, the administration shall make the decision on its own discretion. We recommend that you use the Enable Battle Recording option in the game settings.

8. Stages

The event will be performed in 3 stages, so that clans can get used to the complicated rules of Operation Gambit.

8.1. Stage 1

8.1.1. The stage will begin on November 23 and finish on November 25.

8.1.2. The main objective of the stage—getting acquainted with the basic mechanics of Operation Gambit.

8.1.3. A limited number of technologies will be available to clan players in the Laboratory (see section 4 of the Regulations).

8.1.4. All clans will receive 15 Research Points to purchase technologies from the Laboratory.

8.1.5. On the first day of the stage, all Basic Front provinces will be available for landing. The maximum number of applications for landing—16.

8.1.6. Following the end of landing battles, dynamic landing will be enabled on the Basic Front provinces. The maximum number of applications for such landings—32.

8.1.7. On the second day of the stage, the landing auctions will be enabled on the Advanced and Elite Front provinces.

8.1.8. Following the end of the stage, the forced investing mechanic will be enabled for all clans that participated in the event. All technologies, purchased by a clan in the Laboratory, will be removed, all spent Research Points will be returned to the clan's account.

8.1.9. All clan penalties will be removed, the Global Map will be completely wiped.

8.2. Stage 2

8.2.1. The stage will begin on November 27 and finish on December 1

8.2.2. The main objective of the stage—extended study of the event mechanics and stockpiling of Fame Points for a quick start in the third stage of the event.

8.2.3. The Laboratory will unlock access to new technologies.

8.2.4. On the first day of the stage, all Basic Front provinces will be available for landing. The maximum number of applications for landing—16.

8.2.5. Following the end of landing battles, dynamic landing will be enabled on the Basic Front provinces.

8.2.6. On the second day of the stage, the landing auctions will be enabled on the Advanced and Elite Front provinces.

8.2.7. Following the end of the stage, the forced investing mechanic will be enabled for all clans that participated in the event. All technologies, purchased by a clan in the Laboratory, will be removed, all spent Research Points will be returned to the clan's account.

8.2.8. All clan penalties will be removed, the Global Map will be completely wiped.

8.3. Stage 3 

8.3.1. The stage will start on December 3 and end on December 18

8.3.2. It presents the main stage of the "Operation Gambit" event. As the result of this stage, the amount of Fame Points will define the winner.

8.3.3. At this stage, the Laboratory provides access to all technologies.

8.3.4. On the first day of the stage, all Basic Front provinces will be available for landing. The maximum number of applications for landing—16.

8.3.5. Following the end of landing battles, dynamic landing will be enabled on the Basic Front provinces.

8.3.6. On the second day of the stage, the landing auctions will be enabled on the Advanced and Elite Front provinces.

8.3.7. At the end of stage 3, the overall results of the event will be calculated and the best clans and players will receive their awards.

9. Special regulations for penalties for a no-show in battle

9.1. The amount of penalty will be calculated from the total number of Fame Points, including the bids that did not win.

9.2. The clan Fame Points will be charged from the clan's account. Thus, following the charging of penalties and auction winnings, the clan's account can potentially display a negative value of clan Fame Points.

Number of no-shows
for accounting period
Maximum number of applications for landings Clan Fame Points Accounting period
1 14 0 (Penalties will not be imposed)  
2 7 -10% 3 days
3 2 -10%  
4 1 -10%  

10. Awards

The calculation of awarding ranges for clans and players will be performed only among the players and clans that made it into the Alley of Fame. To make it into the Alley of Fame, both players and clans should fight at least 5 battles in the region and earn at least 100 Fame Points.

10.1. Personal classification

10.1.1. The "Operation Gambit" event provides the following awards: bonds, unique badges, digital camouflages, and unique medals. In addition, the 1,400 best players of the "Operation Gambit" event will be able to exchange bonds for a Tier X vehicle, which was previously awarded for victories on the Global Map.

10.1.2. A special exchange rate of bonds for vehicles (М60, VK72.01 K, Object 907, Т96Е6 and 121B) for Operation Gambit only is 4,000 bonds.

10.1.3. One player can exchange bonds for one vehicle only.

10.1.4. When exchanging bonds for vehicles, it is possible to use both the bonds received for Operation Gambit, and the bonds that were received for other achievements.

10.1.5. The option of exchanging bonds for a vehicle will be available for the winners of Operation Gambit from 22 December 2017 through 1 February 2018, 07:00 UTC+8.

10.1.6. If a player who did not enter the award range earned the same amount of Fame Points as a player on the last rank in the award range, both players will receive the same reward in personal classification.

10.1.7. Distribution of bonds by personal classification in each region:

Note that the amount of bonds below is provided with a coefficient based on the clan's position, which means the reward can be multiplied up to seven times!

From To Bonds
0% 1% 1,000
1% 2% 950
2% 3% 900
3% 5% 850
5% 10% 800
10% 15% 750
15% 20% 700
20% 25% 600
25% 50% 500
50% 75% 250


10.1.8. Medals of the "Operation Gambit" event and receipt conditions:

Champion Gambit Medal

Awarded to clan players who ranked first in the Global Map event—Operation Gambit.
  • Be a member of the winning clan in any region at the time the event ends.
  • Fight at least 5 battles in Operation Gambit as a member of this clan.
Grandmaster Gambit Medal

Awarded to clan players who made it into the top 10 players in the Global Map event—Operation Gambit.
  • Be a member of one of the top 10 clans in any region at the time the event ends.
  • Fight at least 5 battles in Operation Gambit as a member of this clan.
  • Not awarded if a player has already received the Champion Gambit medal.
Participant of Operation Gambit

A commemorative token for active participation in the Global Map event—Operation Gambit.
  • Fight at least 5 battles in Operation Gambit.
Epic Win

Awarded to clan players who gained the biggest number of victories in a row.
  • Be a member of the clan that gained the biggest number of victories in a row at the moment the event ends.
  • Fight at least 5 battles in the Operation Gambit event as a member of this clan.


10.1.9. Operation Gambit chevrons and receipt conditions

legend of the Global Map

Awarded to players for exceptional performance on the Global Map.
  • Be among the top 1% of players by personal classification and be a member of a clan that is among the top 1% of clans by clan classification in any region at the moment the event ends.
  • Fight at least 50% of your battles in Operation Gambit as a member of a clan that is among the top 1% of clans.
Hero of Operation Gambit

Awarded to players who made it into the top 10% of clans in the Global Map event—Operation Gambit.
  • Be a member of a clan that made it into 10% of best clans in any region at the time the event ends.
  • Fight at least 5 battles in Operation Gambit as a member of this clan.


10.1.10. Operation Gambit camouflages and receipt conditions

Summer "Digital"
  • Fight at least 5 battles in Operation Gambit and earn at least 100 personal Fame points in any region at the time the event ends.
Desert "Digital"
  • Be among the top 50% of players by personal classification in any region at the time the event ends.
  • Awarded together with the summer camouflage.
Winter "Digital"
  • Be among the top 25% of players by personal classification in any region at the time the event ends.
  • Awarded together with the summer and desert camouflage.

10.2. Clan classification


Note that some Operation Gambit mechanics are permanent and may result in deprivation of a clan's progress in the event, in case clan officers demonstrate illegible actions or hacking of accounts.

Consider the security issues and study three pieces of advice before the start of the event:

  • For clan commanders—carefully select the players who have access to officer functions and operations on the map. Consider limiting the number of such players for the duration of the event.
  • The account transfer is dangerous and prohibited by the Game Rules.
  • We recommend you change your account password before the start of the event.

10.2.1. Depending on a clan's position in clan classification, the total number of bonds of this clan is subject to the following multiplier:

From To Clan Multiplier
0% 1% 7
1% 2% 6.5
2% 3% 6
3% 5% 5.5
5% 10% 5
10% 15% 4
15% 20% 3
20% 25% 2.5
25% 50% 2
50% 100% 1


10.2.2. Thus, if a player is among the top 7% of players by personal Fame Points in the region, and a player's clan is among the top 7% of clans in the same region, this player will receive 800 bonds (by personal rating) that will be multiplied by 5 (clan multiplier). All in all, this player will receive a total of 4,000 bonds.

10.2.3. A player will receive a clan multiplier only from the clan where he is a member at the moment the Operation Gambit event ends, and if the following conditions are met. Fight at least 5 battles as a member of this clan in the region where the clan entered the award range. Earn at least 100 personal Fame Points as a member of this clan.

10.2.4. Distribution of Gold; unlike other awards, gold is awarded for a fixed position, not for a percentage-based position.

10.2.5. Distribution of gold:

Gold Distribution Chart


10.3. Special rules of compensation

During the "Operation Gambit" event, special rules of compensation will be applied in case of any technical failures.

10.3.1. If any technical failures take place on the Global Map, and they affect over 10% of clans, on condition the battles were not created and battle results did not enter our database, we will compensate the clans with 150 Fame Points on the affected region. All members of this clan will also receive 150 personal Fame Points.

20.3.2. For cases with technical issues, which do not directly relate to the Global Map (issues with the server where the battles take place, issues with logging into the game, etc.), if these issues affect over 10% of clans and result in large-scale technical defeats or technical draws, we will cancel the penalties, associated with limitations on the number of available landing applications and withdrawal of clan Fame Points. No compensation in personal and clan Fame Points shall be performed in this case, since it is impossible to make a credible investigation into the reasons of a no-show in a battle.

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