公開測試 1:變更內容清單
展開Main Changes
Random Events
Random Events have been added to two maps:
- Cliff
- Plane crash at the lighthouse. A bomber downed during an intense air battle above the map manages to shoot down a pursuing fighter as it falls. The fighter crashes into the lighthouse, causing it to collapse and forming new cover on the hill. The bomber ultimately crashes as well, landing on the road in the western part of the map.
- Siegfried Line
- Plane crash on the square. A crashed plane on the town square creates a large amount of new cover, allowing vehicles to play more actively in the area.
- Artillery barrage. A dense artillery barrage lays waste to part of the town, opening up new routes and creating new defensive positions.
Advent Calendar
Resources for the Advent Calendar have been added for testing.
3D Attachments
Customization UI Improvements:
- The vehicle customization interface in Exterior has been updated.
- A visualization feature for matching customization elements has been added.
- A separate tab with 3D styles for the selected vehicle has been added.
- A new tab for 3D attachments has been introduced.
- A List of Available Vehicles button has been added in the 3D Attachments tab. This displays all marked vehicles with slots for 3D attachments.
- Five slots for new 3D attachment customization elements have been added:
- Two special slots on the turret or gun mantlet
- Three universal slots on the hull
- Missions for 3D attachments have been added to Common Tests 1 and 2.
- The missions have been added as a group of missions.
- Each mission is repeatable and endless.
- Five draft attachments have been added for testing purposes, each with a different rarity:
- Test Subject 001—Iron Steed (Epic)
- Test Subject 002—Vessel of the Abyss (Rare)
- Test Subject 003—Eternal Bloom (Legendary)
- Test Subject 004—Whispering Reaper (Rare)
- Test Subject 005—Eyes of the Void (Rare)
Other Improvements:
Added new filters for the vehicle panel to distinguish between vehicles with available 3D styles and those marked for 3D attachments.
The following vehicles have been added:
- Char Murat
- ERAC 105 Proto
- AMR P.103
- Pz.Kpfw. 38 (K)
- Prototipo 6
- Type 1 Ho-Ni II
- Gabler's Destroyer
- Centurion Mk. IA
- T3E2 Medium Tank
- M3A3 Stuart
- Object Kust
- Object 265T
1.27 更新的公開測試已經展開,新的隨機事件將在兩張地圖上進行測試:Cliff 與 Siegfried Line。此外,這也是您首次試試 3D 配飾的大好機會 — 此為嶄新的自訂要素功能,主打讓您進一步展現車輛獨特之處的內容。最後,節日季節即將來到,一起搶先探索眾人喜愛的降臨曆節日活動與當中的獎勵。
Cliff 與 Siegfried Line 當中的隨機事件
我們持續拓展為玩法帶來改變的隨機事件,並將這些事件加入到更多張隨機戰鬥地圖。新的隨機事件將加入到 Cliff 與 Siegfried Line,相應效果與視覺呈現將如往常震撼人心。
- 一架飛機墜落並撞擊燈塔,導致碎片四散並阻擋通往山丘的道路。撞擊燈塔後,飛機繼續滑翔且最終墜毀,過程中亦造成殘骸散落。
Siegfried Line:地毯式轟炸
- 地圖中央的城鎮區域將遭地毯式轟炸,多座建築遭摧毀。這也將形成新的掩體,並打通先前遭阻擋的區域,衍生出的新位置將讓玩家有機會採取較為大膽的戰術。
3D 配飾:以前所未見的方式自訂車輛!
利用 3D 配飾來進一步個人化您的戰車外觀!此為獨特的視覺呈現,可以截然不同的方式來讓車輛外觀更為突出,讓您成為戰場上眾人矚目的焦點。在可安裝 3D 配飾的車輛上,將這些配飾安裝在錨點上,來讓您的車輛更為不凡!
3D 配飾分為 3 種不同稀有程度:
- 稀有
- 史詩
- 傳奇
溫馨提醒:並非所有戰車均能套用 3D 配飾。測試期間使用的配飾均非正式版本。這些配飾不會隨正式更新推出,未來將有更趣味且視覺上更吸睛的配飾來到。
您將能藉由各種遊戲內活動獲取 3D 配飾。敬請期待將在不久後公開的詳情 — 待正式推出時,您將能獲取更令人印象深刻且讚不絕口的配飾!
- 如何參與公開測試
- 剛剛加入測試嗎?
欲參與測試,您將需要戰遊網 Game Center(WGC)、公開測試遊戲客戶端的最新版本,以及在切分點前完成註冊且使用中的《戰車世界》帳號(詳情如下所述)。
於 10 月 29 日 04:00 UTC+8 前建立且仍使用中的所有《戰車世界》帳號均能參與公開測試。
- 執行測試客戶端安裝程式。
- 選擇與您《戰車世界》遊戲主程式不同的安裝資料夾。
- 在 WGC 頂端的下拉式選單中,選擇剛安裝好的測試客戶端。
- 全面開火,另外別忘了分享您的回饋意見!
欲知有關 WGC 的更多詳情,請參考戰遊網 Game Center 指南。