1.25 更新公開測試:全新成就系統、前線與眾多內容!

預計推出的功能:全新成就系統 | 前線


參與 1.25 更新公開測試來體驗全新成就系統,讓您在《戰車世界》的遊戲進度更直覺易懂。符合 2023-2024 年度天梯戰最終賽季獎勵領取資格的玩家,已可在戰鬥中試試獎勵。另外更要為最新前線事件做好準備快來加入 30v30 的史詩衝突,更有「命運交錯」情境帶來的變數!




  1. 車輛類型:記錄所有車輛,包括可研發、加值、獎勵與收藏等類型。
  2. 車輛國家:追蹤您研發不同國家車輛的進度。
  3. 自訂要素:記錄您擁有的所有 2D/3D 風格與漸變花樣。
  4. 遊戲內功績:特殊的成就類別,會有專屬的「功績」區塊,藉此記錄車輛相關成就,其中涉及重大事件、獎勵與再也無法存取的進度。









  • 如何參與公開測試
  • 剛剛加入測試嗎?
  1. 條件:欲參與測試,您將需要戰遊網 Game Center(WGC)、公開測試遊戲客戶端的最新版本,以及使用中的《戰車世界》帳號。您在正式伺服器的帳號進度將會複製到公開測試伺服器,切分點為 2024-05-01 20:00:00UTC
  2. 安裝測試客戶端:
    • 執行安裝程式並選擇與主要遊戲客戶端不同的資料夾。
    • 在 WGC 中的下拉式選單選擇測試客戶端。
  3. 進入測試:利用更多的資源來測試全新功能。您的回饋意見能帶給我們莫大幫助!

    溫馨提醒:公開測試帳號的內容會複製自正式伺服器,切分點為 2024 年 5 月 01 日,且不會包括此後的內容與進度變動。欲知更多詳情,請造訪戰遊網 Game Center 指南



  • 執行測試客戶端安裝程式。
  • 選擇與您《戰車世界》遊戲主程式不同的安裝資料夾。
  • 在 WGC 頂端的下拉式選單中,選擇剛安裝好的測試客戶端。
  • 全面開火,另外別忘了分享您的回饋意見!

欲知有關 WGC 的更多詳情,請參考戰遊網 Game Center 指南






Main Changes

New Achievement System

A new achievement system has been added to the game, which takes into account the player's progress in collecting vehicles and customization. Completing achievements earns players achievement points, which reflect their overall progress in the system.

As part of the achievement system, an Achievement Catalog has been added, which shows all available and upcoming achievements for completion. The Catalog displays overall progress on achievements and their categories. Four categories have been added:

  1. Vehiclesdisplays progress by vehicle type and the presence of vehicles on the player's account. It includes vehicles available in the player's Garage and vehicles researched in national Tech Trees.
  2. Nationalshows progress by branches within nations' Tech Trees. For vehicles from Tiers I through V, two unique achievements can be obtained for each nation. For Tier VI and higher vehicles, personalized achievements earned in branches are awarded.
  3. Customizationshows progress in collecting 2D styles, 3D styles, and progressive decals.
  4. Trophies—A special category of achievements, the Trophy section, documents achievements related to vehicles from notable events, rewards, and progressions that are no longer available.

Achievements are divided into two types: regular and cumulative. Regular achievements require one condition to be fulfilled and grant +10 achievement points. Cumulative achievements, on the other hand, require a series of achievements/conditions to be completed and grant +50 achievement points upon completion.

As a reward for player progression through the achievement system's Total Vehicles category, new animated Dog Tags will be available, featuring embedded ranks, with even the highest available rank having its own presentation animation during the pre-battle countdown.

Each new animated Dog Tag also has its unique rank:

  1. Tank Master
  2. Chief of Armor
  3. Supreme Commander

In total, players have access to over 600 new achievements and over 7,000 achievement points.


  • The new Episode will be a relaunch of Frontline Episode 4: Battles will be played by the rules of one of three randomly selected scenarios.
  • Some issues have been fixed. 

Changes Related to Disabling the 32-Bit Game Client

The 32-bit game client has been removed. RAM and operating system requirements have changed:

  • Minimum memory (RAM) for Desktop: 4GB
  • Operating System: Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 (64-bit only) with the latest updates

Arcade Cabinet

Resources for the upcoming Darkness of the Night game mode have been added.

Changes to Technical Characteristics of Vehicles

Changes to the Czechoslovakia Tech Tree:

The following vehicle has been added for testing by Supertest players: Vz. 58 Medvěd

Changes to the France Tech Tree:

  • The following vehicle was added: Char de transition
  • Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles: ARL 44
  • Armoring of the ARL 44 turret has been changed from 40 to 30 mm (armor around spare track fixings reduced)

Changes to the U.K. Tech Tree:

  • The following vehicle has been added for testing by Supertest players: Crusher
  • The following vehicle was added: Churchill Crocodile
  • Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles: Churchill VII
  • Armoring of the Churchill VII turret has been changed from 115 to 95 mm (armor around spare track fixings reduced)
  • Hull armor has been changed from 115 to 95 mm (armor around spare track fixings on the sides reduced)

Changes to the U.S.A. Tech Tree:

The following vehicle was added: M4A3(76)W Sherman

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • Fixed the issue of the Last Moment feature displaying incorrect trajectories of shells that destroyed players’ vehicles.

