World of Tanks ITE Tournament 2012

Calling all Tank Commanders across the various ITEs in Singapore! The time has come once again to test your skills and strategies against your fellow Tank Commanders in epic tank battles to find out who the best tank team is and bring fame and recognition to your ITE. World of Tanks will be holding a series of tournaments at the various ITEs in Singapore and the best teams will fight it out at License2Play.

Register today by sending an email to with the following details:

Team Name:

Member 1:

Member 2:

Member 3: 

Member 4:

Member 5: 

Member 6:

Member 7:

Contact Number 1:

Contact Number 2:


World of Tanks ITE Tournament 2012





  • 7 x 7 knockout battles
  • Accounts will be provided for players.


  • 1st Place -  12,000 / person + $1,400 cash
  • 2nd Place - 8,000 / person + $700 cash
  • 3rd Place - 5,000 gold / person + $350 cash


  • Top team from each ITE will represent at the finals in License2Play.
  • Only current ITE students are allowed to register, please bring along your student card for verification.
  • All participants are entitled to a door gift of 300.

Rules & Regulations:

For full details on the rules of the tournament, please refer here. 
