Vehicle Rating

Vehicle Rating evaluates your performance on each specific vehicle.

For easier browsing, Vehicle Rating breaks down into four sections:


The first section features an array of top-ranked vehicles in your possession. The following three sections present vehicles with the best results and their Top 3 players.

If you are among any of these Top 3 ratings, your position in the rating chart is highlighted in green. If not, click the vehicle to view its rating chart with your actual position shown.

1 Time Filter Select from available rating periods: yesterday, a specific month, or all time.
2 Battle Count Filter  Select the required number of battles fought. 
3 Category Panel  Click a category title to view the rating chart in this category.
4 Player Panel Click to view detailed information.
5 Dynamics Index Displays the change to a player’s position over the previous day.

The ratings are updated each night. The rating chart displays player results from the previous day. All data from today is included in the ratings tomorrow.

Vehicle WTR

Vehicle WTR is a scale created to evaluate your performance on each specific vehicle.

The formula for calculating vehicle rating is based on vehicle key stats and contains alpha (α) and beta (β) components.

Vehicle Key Stats

Vehicle rating is based on the following stats:

  1. Damage Dealt (DD)
  2. Damage Dealt + Assist (DDA)
  3. Damage Blocked (DB)
  4. Number of Vehicles Destroyed per Battle aka Frags (F)
  5. Survivability (S)

The number of stats used in the WTR calculation can vary depending on a vehicle’s model, type, and role in battle. Each vehicle can have a minimum of 2 and up to 4 key stats.

Every stat has a scale, from min stat value up to max, divided into numerous segments. Each segment accommodates an equal number of players within its range. Your stat value on a specific vehicle determines the segment you belong to in relation to other players.

For example, if your average Survivability is low, you’ll end up in a low segment of the S scale. At the same time, your DD value is way above average, so you’ll get into a high segment of the DD scale.

Alpha Component

The alpha component determines the player’s performance on a given vehicle in relation to other players. The formula for calculating α is as follows:


Mở rộng

α component that determines around 25% of the vehicle WTR value

i — one of the key stats of a specific vehicle

Σ — summation

AudienceV — audience coefficient for this vehicle

The coefficient is introduced to even out standard and Premium/promo vehicles with very similar technical characteristics, but different performance statistics among players. Since standard vehicles tend to accumulate a bigger audience of a various skill set, their average performance is quite low. Premium and other kinds of prized vehicles, however, attract a smaller yet more skilled audience; hence, their average performance is higher.

Segmenti — the stat segment you belong to

Segmentsi — total segment count for a specific stat

Ai  — stat (i) coefficient

The max alpha value is equal to 1.
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Beta Component

The beta component determines a player’s performance on a given vehicle in relation to the vehicle’s average performance on a server. The formula for calculating β is as follows:



Mở rộng

β — component that determines around 75% of the vehicle WTR value

i  — one of the key stats of a specific vehicle

Σ — summation

NV— stat normalized value (player average stat value divided by server average stat value)

A— stat coefficient, which assesses vehicle key stat contribution to a positive battle outcome

AudienceV — audience coefficient for this vehicle

Beta_Norm, Beta_Offset— configurational values that determine the total weight of β in the final formula

The Survivability stat is not factored into beta calculations.
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Final Formula

The final formula for calculating the vehicle rating is as follows:


Mở rộng

WTRV  — vehicle WTR value

αV  — alpha component 

βV  — beta component

αWeight and βWeight— configurational values

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