




  • 如何参加公测
  • 第一次参加测试?
  1. 条件:您需要有Wargaming.net Game Center(WGC)、最新公测游戏客户端,以及《坦克世界》活跃账号。您的正式服账号进度将在2024-06-1020:00:00UTC复制到公测服务器。
  2. 安装测试客户端:
    • 运行安装程序,并选择和主要游戏客户端不同的安装文件夹。
    • 在WGC的下拉菜单中选择测试客户端。
  3. 加入测试:利用充裕的资源测试新内容。您的反馈非常宝贵!

    温馨提示:公测账号反映2024年6月11日复制的数据,并且不包含在此日期后作出的更改。您可通过Wargaming.net Game Center指南了解更多详情。



  • 运行测试客户端安装程序。
  • 选择安装文件夹,注意不要选择已存有您的常规《坦克世界》游戏文件的文件夹。
  • 从WGC顶部的下拉菜单中选择新安装的测试客户端。
  • 立刻出击——别忘了分享反馈!

您可以在专题文章Wargaming.net Game Center指南中找到更多关于WGC的详细介绍。





Main Changes

Onslaught Light

  • The Artillery Strike Tactical Skill has been changed:
    • Damage caused has been increased from 230 HP to 275 HP.

Role Skills:

  • Field Repairs:
    • HP restored has been increased from 45/70/100 to 60/85/115.
  • Bounty Hunter:
    • Bonus to reloading for each enemy vehicle damaged has been increased from 2% to 3%.
    • HP restored for each enemy vehicle damaged has been increased from 10/15/25 to 20/25/35.
  • One for All:
    • Bonus to the major qualification level, as well as to all skills for allied vehicles, has been increased from 4/7/10% to 5/8/12%.
  • Fire Cover:
    • Damage caused has been increased from 45/90/145 HP to 50/95/150 HP.
  • Sleight of Hand:
    • Reduction to reload time has been decreased from 30/45/60 to 30/40/55%.
  • Straight Ahead:
    • Reduction to reload time upon being hit by an enemy shell has been decreased from 4 s to 3 s.
  • Bullseye:
    • Bonus damage for a vehicle not being spotted at the moment of the shot has been decreased from 25/35/45% to 15/25/35%.
    • The number of Prestige Points required to level up the skill charge has been increased by 40/27.2/18.7%.
  • Second Wind: 
    • HP restored has been increased from 50 + 35/60/85% to 60 + 35/60/85%.

Changes to Technical Characteristics of Vehicles

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • Fixed the issue of damage caused by a player disappearing from the log after that player leaves the battle.

  • Fixed the issue of players getting stuck on the loading screen when attempting to rejoin a battle that has just ended.
  • Fixed some localization and interface issues.

