USA Vehicles changes in 7.5

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M2 LT:

  • Reduced view range of the first turret from 262.5 to 260m
  • Increased view range of the second turret from 315 to 320m

 M22 Locust

  • Increased  view range of the first turret from 332.5 to 330m

M24 Chaffee

  • Increased view range of the first turret from 367.5 to 370m
  • Reduced view range of the second turret from 402 to 400m

M3 Lee:

  • Increased view range from 315 to 320m

M46 Patton:

  • Slightly changed the dispersion on move
  • Increased reload time of the 105mm Gun T5E1M2 from 8.9 to 9.3 seconds
  • Increased 105mm Gun T5E1M2 gun dispersion on move by 50%
  • Increased the price from 2980000 to 3450000 credits


  • Increased the view range of the first turret from 315 to 320


  • Increased the price from 6000000 to 6100000 credits


  • Reduced the reverse speed from 10 to 8 km/h
  • Increased the dispersion on rotating for the 75mm Howitzer M1A1 gun from 0.12 to 0.16
  • Reduced the elevation angles for 75mm Howitzer M1A1 gun from 8 to 5 degrees
  • Reduced the elevation angles for Ordnance QF 2pdr AT Gun Mk.X from 8 to 5 degrees