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Brothers in Arms Video Release and Clan Creation Discount [UPDATED]

09/04/2014 General News
In other languages: th zh-tw ja


UPDATE: The clan creation fee will be restored to 2,500 gold after the release of 9.0. Hurry up and create your
                clan before time runs out!


Tank Commanders,

World of Tanks is a fun game to play alone, but did you know that you can easily double or triple the enjoyment if you actually play with people you know and trust?

Brothers in Arms: Why joining a clan is better

Imagine the satisfaction of steamrolling your enemies in battle after battle with your clanmates at your side. The other team is comprised of strangers who have no desire to work together, but you and your friends know the perfect tanks and tactics to use to crush them with teamwork. Getting this level of support in-game is tough if you go it alone, but with a clan at your back, it's almost guaranteed to be there.

Take a look at this video to learn more!


Clan Creation Discount: Building a clan just got cheaper

Maybe you've thought about it once or twice before. "Hmm, I don't just want to join a clan, I want to lead one!" And then you head over to the clan creation page and discover to your dismay that it's priced at 2,500 gold, just a little too high for you...

If that's you, then your troubles are likely over! When Update 8.11 goes live, the cost of creating a clan will be lowered to just 500. No tricks or multiple payments - only five hundred gold needed to create your own clan.


Recruiting Station: The only recruitment tool you'll ever need

"Well," you might say, "500 gold is pretty cheap. But I only have two other friends who play and I don't know anyone else. Why make a clan if I can't fill it out with people?"

Ah, but who's to say that you can't?

If you haven't heard about it already, the Clan Recruiting Station is online and available for this exact purpose. Simply visit the My Clan page located on your Profile and start browsing for potential clan members, or post a summary of your clan to let everyone know that it exists. Before long, you'll have an army of interested players banging on your virtual door. Problem solved!

To find out more about the Recruiting Station and how to create a clan, just click the button below to access the initial news announcement and Guide section.


Click here to read the Recruitment Station announcement

Click here to read the Clan Creation Guide

