1.24.1 업데이트 미리 보기: 폴란드 구축전차, 전차 밸런스 조정 등!

전차장 여러분!

구축전차 6대로 구성된 폴란드 계통도가 새로 추가됩니다. 또한, 10단계 전차 4대의 밸런스가 조정되며 무작위 전투 지도 5개가 개선되고 사후 모드도 도입될 예정입니다. 이외에 다른 변경 사항도 적용될 예정이니 미리 확인하고 여러분의 의견도 전달해 주십시오!

1.24.1 업데이트 예정 목록

미리 보기를 통해 공개된 모든 기능은 아직 개발 중이라는 점을 참고해 주십시오. 수치, 보상, 성능 등 모든 설정은 실제 업데이트 적용 시 변경될 수 있습니다.

폴란드 신규 구축전차

5단계부터 10단계까지 6대의 구축전차로 구성된 폴란드 신규 계통도가 추가됩니다. 신규 계통도는 4단계 경전차 14TP에서 이어집니다.

5단계~7단계 구축전차는 포탑이 없는 전형적인 형태이며 운용 방식도 보편적입니다. 기동력이 우수하며 정면 장갑이 준수하고 포탄 공격력과 관통력이 뛰어난 주포를 탑재했죠. 계통도 내 첫 번째 전차는 5단계 SDP 40 Zadymka입니다. 6단계는 SDP 44 Burza이고 7단계는 SDP 57 Gowika입니다.

  • SDP 57 Gowika
  • SDP 44 Burza
  • SDP 40 Zadymka

고단계 전차는 다음과 같습니다.

  • 8단계 SDP 58 Kilana
  • 9단계 SDP 60 Gonkiewicza
  • 10단계 NC 70 Błyskawica
  • NC 70 Błyskawica
  • SDP 60 Gonkiewicza
  • SDP 58 Kilana

신규 계통도 내 8단계~10단계 전차에는 근접전에서 최대 효율을 발휘하는 새로운 포탄 시스템이 적용됩니다. 해당 시스템의 특징은 다음과 같습니다.

  • 유성탄: 표적과의 거리가 50m 이내일 때 사격 시 효율이 가장 높은 포탄입니다. 거리가 멀어질수록 운동 에너지가 감소하여 공격력이 감소하게 됩니다.
  • 강선 주포: 포탄을 엄청난 속도로 발사할 수 있는 주포입니다. SDP 60 Gonkiewicza 및 NC 70 Błyskawica의 기본 포탄은 속도가 1,700m/s에 달하며 특별 포탄은 2,000m/s로 게임 내에서 가장 빠릅니다.

폴란드 고단계 구축전차를 운용하면 근접전에서 자신감을 가지고 엄청난 피해를 기록할 수 있을 것입니다.

전차 밸런스 조정

슈퍼테스트를 통해 전차 밸런스 조정은 이미 공지한 바 있습니다. 1.24.1 업데이트에서는 밸런스 조정 작업을 마친 전차를 만나볼 수 있을 것입니다. 전투 성능이 조정되는 10단계 전차는 다음 4대입니다.

앞에 두 전차는 성능이 향상되는 반면, Super Conqueror와 Controcarro 3 Minotauro는 전장에서의 영향력을 줄이고자 약간 하향됩니다.

최고 단계 전차의 성능 조정에 맞춰 해당 계통도 내 8단계~9단계 전차의 성능도 함께 조정됩니다. 밸런스 조정 관련 세부 정보는 관련 게시물을 통해 확인할 수 있습니다.

지도 밸런스 조정

무작위 전투 지도 중 5개가 더 쾌적하게 전투를 펼칠 수 있도록 개선될 예정입니다. 고갯길 지도는 대규모 변경 사항이 적용되며 나머지 지도는 소규모로 개선됩니다. 직접 확인해 보십시오.


  • 두 기지의 밸런스가 맞춰지도록 아래쪽 기지가 다시 설계됩니다.
  • 주요 교전 지역 주변에 있는 바위의 위치가 변경됩니다.
  • 북쪽 기지의 빙하 지역을 사격할 수 있던 E6 구역 내 사격 지점이 차단됩니다.
  • 양 팀에 동등한 기회가 주어지도록 E3~G5 구역 내 언덕의 높이가 조정됩니다.


  • 위쪽 팀 기지 주변에 있는 구축전차 사격 지점이 추가 및 개선됩니다.
  • B4 및 C5 구역 내 주요 지점이 조정됩니다.
  • 아래쪽 기지 주변에 있는 구축전차 사격 지점에서 사격하기가 더 어렵게 변경됩니다.
  • 아래 팀이 늪지에서 언덕으로 이동하는 경로가 조정됩니다.


  • 아래쪽 기지에서 큰 이점을 얻을 수 있는 C9 구역 내 수풀이 대부분 제거됩니다.
  • A4~A5 구역 내 언덕의 사격 지점이 개선됩니다.

엘 할루프

  • 중전차 사이의 사격을 방해하던 C2 구역 내 수풀이 제거됩니다.


  • 경전차를 더 효율적으로 운용할 수 있도록 G7 구역 내 수풀이 풍성해집니다.
  • G7~G8 구역에 엄폐할 수 있는 바위가 새로 추가되고 지형이 조정됩니다.
  • 경전차를 더 효율적으로 운용할 수 있도록 수풀 위치가 조정됩니다.

승무원 업데이트: 숙련도 100%

월드 오브 탱크의 승무원 시스템은 계속 개선되고 있습니다. 전반적인 시스템을 더 간편하고 손쉽게 이용할 수 있도록 모든 승무원의 숙련도가 100%로 조정됩니다. 앞으로 승무원 숙련도는 해당 수준 밑으로 떨어지지 않습니다.

막사로 이동하면 첫 번째 능력 훈련 수준이 100% 이하인 모든 승무원을 제거할 수 있는 버튼을 확인할 수 있을 것입니다. 해당 승무원은 제거 시 보유 중인 경험치만큼 승무원 훈련서로 전환됩니다.

또한, 다음과 같은 변경 사항도 적용됩니다.

  • 승무원 숙련도의 명칭이 "승무원 효율성"으로 변경됩니다.
  • 무료 또는 크레딧으로 재훈련 시 능력 효율에 불이익이 적용됩니다. 불이익은 경험치가 쌓일수록 점차 감소합니다.
  • 초보자에게 재훈련 보너스가 적용됩니다.
  • 크레딧을 사용한 재훈련을 통해 승무원의 직책을 변경할 수 있습니다.

승무원 변경 사항 관련 세부 정보는 별도 게시물을 통해 공개될 예정이니 기대해 주십시오!

사후 모드

1.24.1 업데이트에서는 사후 모드가 도입됩니다. 하지만 돌발 상황이 적용되는 지도에는 향후 따로 도입될 예정입니다. 최후의 순간 기능은 곧 만나볼 수 있습니다.

해당 기능은 전차가 파괴된 후에도 상황을 분석하여 실력을 키울 수 있도록 고안된 시스템입니다.

사후 모드는 다음 2가지 요소로 구성됩니다.

  • 최후의 순간: 전차 파괴 시 피격된 포탄 관련 세부 정보가 표시됩니다.
  • 관전 시점: 전선 대격돌에서 이용할 수 있던 자유 시점의 개선된 버전입니다. 해당 기능은 불공정 이점이 주어지지 않도록 비경쟁 모드에서만 이용할 수 있습니다.

최후의 순간은 입은 피해 관련 정보가 제공되며 세부 정보와 요약 정보 중 원하는 것으로 확인할 수 있습니다.

사후 모드의 최후의 순간과 관전 시점을 통해 유용한 정보를 분석할 수 있습니다. 적 전차의 위치, 포탄 유형, 궤도, 관통 지점 등 다양한 정보는 실력 향상에 도움이 될 것입니다.

2023~2024 격전 마지막 시즌

1.24.1 업데이트 적용과 동시에 격전이 시작됩니다.

2023~2024 격전 페가수스의 해 마지막 시즌에 대비해 보십시오! 시즌이 종료되면 연간 보상을 획득할 수 있으며 CS-63의 개량형인 10단계 중형전차 Hurricane과 특별 전차 꾸미기 요소 및 승무원도 보상에 포함되어 있습니다.

비취색 페가수스 시즌에서 적용되는 변경 사항은 다음과 같습니다.

  • 새로운 강화 장비인 개조 조준장치가 추가됩니다. 게임에 처음 추가되는 신규 장비로 브론즈 랭크 달성 시 구매할 수 있습니다.
  • 격전 토너먼트 전술을 연습할 수 있도록 팀 연습 전투에 격전 지도가 추가됩니다.
  • 위장과 문자 등 새로운 전차 꾸미기 요소가 추가됩니다.

아이언 랭크에서 획득할 수 있는 기본 레이팅 점수가 증가합니다. 또한, 랭크 진행이 수월해지도록 아이언 및 브론즈 랭크에서 차감되는 레이팅 점수가 감소합니다.

배틀 로얄 개선

이번 배틀 패스에서는 소대 기능이 개선되어 더 간편하게 소대원을 찾을 수 있을 것입니다. 단순히 버튼을 누르는 것만으로 소대원을 찾고 있는 다른 플레이어와 소대가 구성됩니다. 또한, 자동으로 검색된 소대원과 음성 대화를 통해 편리하게 소통할 수 있으며 다음 전투도 함께 참여할 수 있습니다. 마지막으로 무작위 소대원을 영구 소대원으로 추가할 수도 있습니다.

전투 파병 재작업

클랜 활동인 전투 파병이 대규모 개선됩니다. 개선 사항은 다음과 같습니다.

  • 클랜 일일 임무: 해당 임무의 명칭이 "파병 임무로 변경됩니다.
    • 총 3개의 임무: 매일 3가지 임무를 진행할 수 있습니다.
    • 연속 임무: 한 임무를 완료하면 다음 임무를 진행할 수 있습니다.
    • 협력 임무 2개: 마지막 임무 2개는 클랜원과 소대 또는 원정군을 조직하여 완료해야 합니다.
    • 보상 직접 수령: 임무 완료 시 보상을 직접 수령해야 합니다.


  • 클랜을 위한 자원
  • 파병 점수: 새로운 클랜 통화

파병 점수를 사용하여 지도 내 지역을 수색하면 각 지역에서 보상을 획득할 수 있습니다. 전투 여정을 모두 마치면 최종 보상으로 이탈리아 10단계 중형전차 X Carro da Combattimento 45 t 와 "프로세르피나" 3D 스타일을 획득할 수 있습니다.

업데이트 관련 추가 정보가 향후에 공개될 예정이니 기대해 주십시오. 공개된 내용과 본문에 사용된 용어는 현재 개발 중으로 언제든지 변경될 수 있습니다.

월드 오브 탱크 Instagram

패치 노트 (영문)


Main Changes

New Branch of Polish Tank Destroyers

Six new tank destroyers (from Tier V to Tier X) have been added:

  • Tier V—SDP 40 Zadymka
  • Tier VI—SDP 44 Burza
  • Tier VII SDP 57 Gowika
  • Tier VIII—SDP 58 Kilana
  • Tier IX—SDP 60 Gonkiewicza
  • Tier Х—NC 70 Błyskawica

Postmortem Mode

Introducing Last Moment: After a vehicle's destruction, the game offers a recreation of the last shot that hit the player to give more information about the position and circumstances that led to the vehicle's destruction. This information is only available for projectiles or explosions caused by projectiles, and will not be loaded when the battle is already ending.

  • The camera will show the enemy vehicle and shot trajectory (if spotted), the player's vehicle, and all surrounding vehicles and objects at the moment of destruction.
  • Additionally, the player will receive valuable information about the shell, penetration, distance, armor, and damage, as well as how it was calculated for the specific shot. The player can press SPACE to pause the Last Moment scene and receive even more information.
  • Most cases will be supported in the initial version: All shell types, modern and legacy explosions, ricochets, fires, spaced armor, and destroyed tracks. The feature will not be available for destruction caused by the use of abilities, ramming, friendly fire, or crashes.
  • The Last Moment camera is on by default but can be skipped or disabled in the settings.

The Observer Camera is deployed for all non-competitive game modes and updated with new functionality and a new UI.

  • The player can now aim at the 3D markers of friendly vehicles through terrain and objects and jump directly to follow them.
  • The player can now change the height and speed of the camera.


  • All crew members are now trained to 100% and have 0 XP by default, and can start training their first perk immediately.
  • All XP for a crew member whose training level was between 50% to 100% will go toward their perk experience pool. There are no longer any crews with a training level below 100%.
  • Training level is now a common 2-digit indicator for a vehicle's entire crew called crew efficiency.
  • New crew members can be recruited for free, with no need to choose between operations for free, credits, or gold. 
  • In the Barracks, a new button allows players to remove all crew members with less than 100% XP for their first perk and receive compensation in the form of Crew Books. This one-time operation cannot be undone.
  • When the player retrains a crew member, they can choose between a free, credit, or gold retraining operation. A penalty to XP from the perk efficiency pool is applied when free or credit retraining is selected. The perk efficiency experience pool contains 100,000 XP.
  • All crew members now have 100% perk efficiency by default. If this is reduced due to retraining operations, the effect from their perks will be decreased until the experience pool is filled.
  • Crew members in a vehicle they are not trained to operate cannot use their perks.
  • There is no longer a separate operation to change a crew member's qualification. Players can change crew members' qualifications through the standard retraining operation (for credits or gold).
  • There is no additional XP penalty when the player retrains a crew member from a vehicle of a different type. An increased penalty is only applied when a player changes a crew member's qualification for credits.
  • Players can move crew members to the Barracks even over the bunk limit. If the bunk limit is exceeded, new crew members cannot be recruited (but they can still be obtained by using Recruits or purchasing special offers).
  • Some interface improvements have been made.
  • New informational and reward screens have been added.

Tour of Duty Update

  • There will now be three daily missions.
  • The first mission can be completed either solo or in a Platoon or detachment, while the final two missions can only be completed in a Platoon or detachment with a clanmate.
  • Rewards for completed daily missions include Industrial Resource and Points of Duty, and must be manually collected to access to the next day's missions.
  • The Tour of Duty itself is now a map on which regions can be unlocked using Points of Duty, with rewards for each region. The final Tour of Duty reward is a Tier X clan vehicle.

Daily Missions for Newcomers

Daily missions have been changed for new players.

Steel Hunter

The highlight of the launch is new features in Platoon battles:

  • The new Random Platoons feature allows you to battle in a Platoon with a random player of a similar skill level.
    • On the Battle Results screen, you can invite that player to join a regular Platoon to keep playing together.
  • Voice chat is now supported in the mode.
  • The chat wheel and some other in-battle communication features from Random Battles have been added to the mode.

Ability and Visual Changes:

  • The Arlequin's Airstrike now deals more consistent damage that increases toward the center of the affected area.
  • A timer displaying the duration of the enemy Raven's Trap Ability has been added.
  • Abilities' visual effects have received extensive updates.
  • Loot outlines have received visual effect updates, while red and yellow zone borders and respawn visual effects have been updated.
  • A healing notification panel has been added.

Other Changes:

  • Updates have been made to audio design, including new respawn voiceovers.

Back in Action

  • A What's New page has been updated.
  • The Warm-Up mode has been added for several categories of players.
  • Back in Action Progression rewards have been updated.


Main Changes

  • The Season of the Jade Pegasus has been added.
  • A new item of improved equipment, Innovative Targeting, has been added to Onslaught Shop.
  • The Hurricane Tier X Polish medium tank with unique crew has been added.
  • Onslaught is now supported in Training Rooms.
  • Onslaught is now supported in Tournaments.

New Content for the Season of the Jade Pegasus:

  • The progressive "Heavenly Horse (Jade)" style with a new set of decals, emblems, inscriptions, and camouflage patterns.
  • Dog Tag Backgrounds: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Champion, and Legend.
  • Nickname stripe: Call of Astraeus.
  • Badges: Markab, Enif.
  • Medal: Catasterism.
  • Rental vehicles: STB-1 7v7, Maus 7v7, Object 268 Version 4 7v7.

Ranked System:

  • The base number of Rating Points gained at the Iron rank has been increased.
  • The base number of Rating Points lost at the Iron and Bronze ranks has been decreased.

Prestige Points System:

  • Changes have been made to the system for accruing Prestige Points.

Role Skills:

  • One for All:
    • The bonus to the major qualification level, as well as to all skills for allied vehicles, has been decreased from 4/7.5/11% to 4/7/10%.
  • Straight Ahead:
    • The skill's duration has been increased from 10/20/30 to 15/20/30 seconds.
    • The engine power bonus has been increased from 30% to 35%.
    • Stun resistance has been increased from 25% to 40%.
    • At the beginning of battle, this Role Skill's charge level is 1.
  • Bullseye:
    • Bonus damage for a vehicle not being spotted at the moment of the shot has been increased from 11/23/35% to 25/35/45%.
    • At the beginning of battle, this Role Skill's charge level is 1.
  • Second Wind:
    • The duration of the Acceleration element has been increased from 6 to 7 seconds.
    • The amount of hit points restored has been increased from 75 + 35/60/85% to 100 + 35/60/85%.
  • Recon Flight:
    • The skill's cooldown time has been increased from 3 to 10 seconds.
  • Active Recon:
    • The bonus to view range has been increased from 3/7.5/11.5% to 15/20/25%.
    • Fixed an issue due to which respotting a vehicle with this Role Skill did not update time spotted.

Other Changes:

  • A new map has been added: Siegfried Line.
  • Some objects on the Outpost and Airfield maps have been changed.
  • The Redshire map has been returned to the roster.
  • The Overlord map has been removed from the roster.

Map Changes

Mountain Pass

Balance changes have been made to the map and advantages that favored the south base have been fixed.

  • Part of the map near south base has been redesigned. Bushes that made it difficult to attack have been removed. The river has also been flattened and extended near the hill to move spawns in the area and improve timings on the map. Opportunities to attack the base from the glacier. area have been improved, with the slope to the base now providing more diverse tactical options.
  • The position of the rock near the main battle point in C7-D8 has been changed to open some view and firing lines on the south team.
  • A spot in E6 that provided some lines of fire to the glacier area for the north base has been blocked, as the south base does not have such a spot and in some cases it functioned as a trap.
  • The height of hills in E3 and G5 have been slightly adjusted to provide similar opportunities for both teams.


Balance changes have been made to slightly improve opportunities for the north team.

  • SPG spots have been added and improved near the north team's base in B7 and C7.
  • The approach to the stone spot in B4 has been made safer and the position itself has been slightly improved. A corner position on the slope in C5 has also been buffed.
  • The positions of several stones in H6 and H7 have been slightly adjusted to make shooting the hill from the SPG spots near the bottom base more difficult.
  • The approach to the hill in G5 from the swamp side has been polished for the bottom team.


Balance changes have been made to slightly improve opportunities for the north team.

  • Most of the vegetation has been removed from C9, as this position gave the bottom base a significant advantage.
  • The line of fire for the upper base from the shelf in A4-A5 has been improved.


Gameplay has been made more comfortable with expanded opportunities for light tanks.

  • The vegetation in the G7 area has been raised to provide a more comfortable playing surface for LTs.
  • New stones and more terrain have been added to make the positions in G7–G8 safer. Vegetation has also been moved in this area to enhance play for light vehicles.

El Halluf

  • Gameplay has been made more comfortable.
  • A bush in C2 which interfered with fire between heavy vehicles has been removed.

Expirable Personal Reserves

A new type of Personal Reserves is being introduced: Expirable Personal Reserves.

An Expirable Personal Reserve works like a regular Personal Reserve, but will be removed from the player's account if not used within a set number of days. Please note that this functionality will not be available for now.

Changes to Technical Characteristics of Vehicles

Changes to French vehicles:

AMX AC mle. 48

  • Dispersion during movement of the AMX AC mle. 48 suspension has been decreased by 14%
  • Dispersion during movement of the AMX M4 mle. 49 suspension has been decreased by 15%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX AC mle. 48 suspension has been decreased by 14%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX M4 mle. 49 suspension has been decreased by 15%
  • Dispersion of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been changed from 0.37 to 0.36 m
  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the 90 mm AC DCA 45 gun has been decreased by 17%
  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the 100 mm AC SA47 gun has been decreased by 38%
  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been decreased by 29%
  • Dispersion after firing of the 90 mm AC DCA 45 gun has been decreased by 25%
  • Dispersion after firing of the 100 mm AC SA47 gun has been decreased by 25%
  • Dispersion after firing of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been decreased by 25%
  • Aiming time of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been changed from 2.5 to 2.3 s
  • Reverse speed has been changed from 13 to 17 km/h

AMX AC mle. 48 FL

  • Dispersion during movement of the AMX M4 mle. 49 suspension has been decreased by 15%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX M4 mle. 49 suspension has been decreased by 15%
  • Dispersion of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been changed from 0.37 to 0.36 m
  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been decreased by 29%
  • Dispersion after firing of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been decreased by 25%
  • Aiming time of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been changed from 2.5 to 2.3 s
  • Reverse speed has been changed from 13 to 17 km/h

AMX 50 Foch

  • Dispersion during movement of the AMX 50 Foch suspension decreased by 15%
  • Dispersion during movement of the AMX 50 Foch bis suspension decreased by 17%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX 50 Foch suspension decreased by 15%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX 50 Foch bis suspension decreased by 17%
  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the 120 mm AC SA46 gun decreased by 29%
  • Dispersion after firing of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun decreased by 25%
  • Aiming time of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun changed from 2.5 to 2.3 s
  • Reverse speed changed from 13 to 17 km/h

AMX 50 Foch B

  • Dispersion during movement of the AMX 50 Foch B suspension decreased by 19%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX 50 Foch B suspension decreased by 19%
  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the 120 mm AC SA46 gun decreased by 29%
  • Dispersion after firing of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun decreased by 25%
  • Aiming time of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun changed from 2.3 to 2.1 s
  • Reverse speed changed from 13 to 17 km/h
  • Power of the Saurer 1000 engine changed from 1,000 to 1,250 h.p.

AMX 50 Foch B 7v7

  • Dispersion during movement of the AMX 50 Foch B suspension decreased by 19%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX 50 Foch B suspension decreased by 19%
  • Dispersion on gun traverse for the 120 mm AC SA46 gun decreased by 29%
  • Dispersion after firing of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun decreased by 25%
  • Aiming time of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun changed from 2.3 to 2.1 s
  • Reverse speed changed from 13 to 17 km/h
  • Power of the Saurer 1000 engine changed from 1,000 to 1,250 h.p.

Changes to German vehicles:

Pz.Kpfw. VII

  • Dispersion of the 12.8 cm Kw.K. 46 L/61 gun in the Pz.Kpfw. VII turret changed from 0.37 to 0.33 m
  • Aiming time of the 12.8 cm Kw.K. 46 L/61 gun in the Pz.Kpfw. VII turret changed from 2.6 to 2.3 s
  • Penetration of the Pzgr 39 L shell for the 12.8 cm Kw.K. 46 L/61 gun changed from 258 to 276 mm
  • Penetration of the Pzgr 43 shell for the 12.8 cm Kw.K. 46 L/61 gun changed from 315 to 325 mm
  • Power of the MB 517 engine changed from 1,200 to 1,350 h.p.

Changes to Italian vehicles:

Controcarro 3 Minotauro

  • Dispersion during movement of the CC 3 suspension decreased by 25%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the CC 3 suspension increased by 50%
  • Traverse speed of the CC 3 suspension changed from 24 to 30 deg/s
  • Armoring of the CC 3 turret decreased
  • Velocity of the c.c. 130/45 Mk. 71 shell for the Cannone da 130/45 gun decreased by 24%
  • Power of the MTU MB Ba 500A engine changed from 700 to 780 h.p.
  • Vehicle durability with the CC 3 turret changed from 2,100 to 2,000 HP

Controcarro 3 7x7

  • A new group of turret armoring has been added
  • Dispersion during movement of the CC 3 suspension decreased by 25%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the CC 3 suspension increased by 50%
  • Traverse speed of the CC 3 suspension changed from 24 to 30 deg/s
  • Armoring of the CC 3 turret decreased
  • Velocity of the c.c. 130/45 Mk. 71 shell for the Cannone da 130/45 increased by 24%
  • Power of the MTU MB Ba 500A engine changed from 700 to 780 h.p.
  • Vehicle durability with the CC 3 turret changed from 2,100 to 2,000 HP

Controcarro 1 Mk. 2

  • Dispersion during movement of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo A suspension decreased by 25%
  • Dispersion during movement of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo B suspension decreased by 27%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo A suspension increased by 80%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo B suspension increased by 60%
  • Traverse speed of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo A suspension changed from 20 to 26 deg/s
  • Traverse speed of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo B suspension changed from 22 to 28 deg/s
  • Hull armoring decreased
  • Vehicle durability with the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo A turret changed from 1,840 to 1,740 HP
  • Vehicle durability with the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tipo B turret changed from 1,900 to 1,800 HP


  • Dispersion during movement of the CC-67B tipo A suspension decreased by 24%
  • Dispersion during movement of the CC-67B tipo B suspension decreased by 26%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the CC-67B tipo A suspension increased by 90%
  • Dispersion on hull traverse with the CC-67B tipo B suspension increased by 70%
  • Hull armoring decreased

Changes to the Polish Tech Tree:

The following vehicle has been added: Hurricane

Changes to the U.K. Tech Tree:

Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles:

Super Conqueror

  • Reload time of the 120 mm Gun L1A1 in the Conqueror "unorthodox" ABP turret has been changed from 8.7 to 9.6 s
  • Vehicle durability with the Conqueror "unorthodox" ABP turret has been changed from 2,400 to 2,300 HP

Changes to the U.S.S.R. Tech Tree:

The following vehicles have been added for testing by Supertest players:

  • SU-122V
  • Object 168G