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Public Test: Improved Physics

General News
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Tank Commanders,

The devs have been preparing something extra special for World of Tanks. Although it will take several months to implement these changes, we're inviting you to be part of the testing experience!

An improved physics model is now in the works and improvements are being explored to improve tank movement across maps.

Public Test

To participate in the test you need to do the following steps:

  1. Download & Run the installer found here. The launcher will update to the new version automatically.
  2. Update the game via launcher.


Please install the test game launcher in a different folder, other than the current game client version! Also switch off the game client before installing the update.

Please Note! Only players who have registered prior to 03.08.2015 can participate in the test.


Scheduled server restart as of follows:

  • 1 periphery: 12:00 UTC+8 (04:00 UTC) daily. Average Duration: ~25 minutes
  • 2 periphery: 13:00 UTC+8 (05:00 UTC) daily. Average Duration: ~25 minutes
  • Center: 17:00 UTC+8 (09:00 UTC) daily. Average duration: ~2 minutes

Special features of the common test server:

  • Payments are not accepted on the public test server.
  • All test accounts will receive a one time crediting of:
    • 100,000,000 Free EXP
    • 100,000,000 Credits
    • 20,000
  • Progress won't be transferred to the main Asia server.
  • Credit and experience rates will not be increased for this test.

We draw your attention to the fact that the test server is subject to EULA and general rules of World of Tanks game server. The restrictions and punishments are the same as on the official game server of World of Tanks.

Patch Notes

Rocking the Gun

  • Added an experimental feature that allows the players to “rock” their vehicle’s gun while shooting, to take advantage of slightly increased gun depression/elevation angles upon forward start or braking. Soft suspension allows “rocking” the aiming circle upon forward start or braking.

Suspension Operation:

  • Suspension will allow the vehicle to roll over minor terrain irregularities (pits, rails, curbs) without losing speed.
  • Fixed situations where a vehicle could get stuck on slight terrain bumps up to 60 cm high, such as shell-holes, rails, basements of destroyed buildings, rocks, hummocks, or debris. Also, vehicles will not lose speed when rolling over a slope with one of their tracks.
  • If the vehicle has enough speed, it can jump over ditches, ruts, etc.
  • Added temporary change to gun depression upon sudden forward start and braking. This change is experimental. The change in gun depression is caused by a slight decline of the vehicle hull when engaging suspension at the moment of forward start or braking.

Improvements to Vehicle Controllability on the Move:

  • Decreased the loss of speed upon turning a moving vehicle.
  • Turns will become smoother.
  • Improved control over turn radius—now it will be easier to turn the vehicle by a required number of degrees. To control the turn radius, press or release the "W" button while holding down a direction button ("A" or "D" for left and right turn respectively). At the same time, if you release the "W" button, the vehicle will sharply decrease its turn radius without a significant loss of speed, and it will be possible to continue the turn by holding down "W" again. This can be used to effectively flank enemy heavy tanks.

New Vehicle Maneuvers Using the Handbrake:

  • When reaching the required speed, a turn with the use of the handbrake will result in a sharp change in movement trajectory ("police turn"). To perform a police turn, block one of the tracks. To initiate a turn, hold down either W+A (for left turn) or W+D (for right turn), then press the Space bar.

Vehicle Interaction upon Collisions

  • The new physics will add the ability to overturn an enemy vehicle upon collision if its hull is slightly elevated or the vehicle is standing down a slope. A number of additional factors influence this ability, such as the difference in vehicle weights, vehicle engine power, angle of attack, traction, etc.
  • An overturned vehicle will be destroyed after 30 s. If a vehicle is laying on its side or roof, it can be easily turned over onto its tracks again with the help from another vehicle.
  • An enemy vehicle can now be pushed off a vertical surface, such as a bridge or mountain. That vehicle can also get overturned as the result of the fall.

Interaction with Surface

  • Added the graphical effect of skidding.

Other Changes:

  • Changed the behavior of vehicles and how their weight is perceived by the player.
  • Vehicles can roll over visibly surmountable objects on the map.