[Global Map] Season 12: Firefly Provinces


Ready to hunt down gold mines on the Global Map? Each of the Firefly provinces below will provide you a higher gold yield per day than others, so they're sure to be hotly contested by other clans. Make haste and seize them for yourselves!



Start time

End time

Enhanced Income

Verkhnyayatoyma 20 Aug 2019, 05:00 UTC +8 25 Aug 2019, 05:00 UTC +8 2,400 
Gryazovets 2,400 
Budogoshch 2,400 
Byaroza 2,400 
Klimovskaya 3 Sep 2019, 05:00 UTC +8 8 Sep 2019, 05:00 UTC +8 2,000 
Pyazhelka 2,000 
Ozyorny 2,000 
Szczecinek 2,000 

The Hunt for the Gold Mines Begins!

In order for your clan to benefit from this event, you need to conquer and hold one of the provinces listed above. The gold will arrive in your treasury just like all other provinces. It will be up to your clan to decide if you think you are good enough to hold them until the last day for the maximum amount of gold.


  • The Ransack function will remain switched off [updated Aug 20] for these provinces. More information about Ransacking can be found here.
  • Firefly provinces will not revolt. Make sure to account for this when making your battle plans.
