[Global Map] Changes to Season 11 Rules

Tank Commanders!

As you may know, Season 11 saw the introduction of a number of innovative new rules aimed at improving competitiveness and accessibility on the Global Map for all clans. While these rules resulted in an increase in Global Map activity, they also affected the overall balance of the game mode.

So in response to players' feedback, and in line with our continuing attempts to determine the most optimal approach to the Global Map here in APAC, we have decided to implement some rule changes for the second half of Season 11.

To allow the new rules to be applied, the Global Map will be frozen from 21 April, 05:00 UTC +8 to 30 April, 05:00 UTC +8.

Rule Changes

  1. The Global Map will be reset; all clans will be removed from the Global Map.
  2. All provinces will become landing provinces on 30 April.
  3. All clan penalties up until 21 April will be reset.
  4. Gold rewards from Session 2 of the Fortnightly Leaderboard will be transferred to provinces. Holding a province will now give you gold.
  5. The Fortnightly Leaderboard will still reward clans with Bonds and Industrial Resources.
  6. The total Gold income from provinces for a single clan will be limited to the 15 provinces with the LOWEST income.
  7. Clans will still only be able to earn Victory Points via battles; provinces DO NOT generate Victory Points.
  8. Tank Lock will stay OFF.
  9. Division Costs will remain at 200 Influence for Tier X and 20 Influence for Tier VIII.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this period, and look forward to receiving your feedback on the changes once they have been applied.

See you on the battlefield!
