- Free EXP Conversion Bonus
- Discounts
- Mission: Intensive Training
- Mission: Weekend Challenge
Tank Commanders,
It's been some time since your crew undertook intensive training. While they've undoubtedly become more experienced through their numerous deployments into battle, more can be done.
Dedicate this weekend to the betterment of your crew's training. It will be tough, but if you prove more than capable in attempting this week's challenges, rest assured that the skill of your men will be elevated to new heights by the end of it.
Roll out!
Event Start: 13 April, 2018 (Friday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)
Event End: 16 April, 2018 (Monday) @ 14:00 UTC+8 (06:00 UTC)
The conversion rate from EXP to Free EXP will be set to the following for the duration of this event:
1 : 35
50% off for the following:
Win a battle while being in the Top 10 in your team for EXP earned.
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