Battle Pass Season 2 is in full swing! It features brand-new Bounty Equipment, two fresh 3D styles, exclusive custom crew members, and a host of other valuable in-game prizes.
Do you want to instantly complete all Battle Pass Main Progression Stages and grab all the sweet rewards? It’s much easier than you think!
Starting 7 August at 08:00 UTC +8, you can purchase any number of Main Progression Stages. After that, you will immediately receive all Base and Improved Rewards for these Stages. The cost of one Stage is 250.
Battle Pass Main Progression Stages Available
7 August 2020, 08:00 UTC +8 - 8 September 2020, 08:00 UTC +8
If you have already completed 35 of the 45 Stages, now is the right time to purchase the remaining Stages, complete the Main Progression, and stake your claim to the most valuable prizes of the event.
What's at Stake?
Season 2 offers heaps of in-game rewards that you’ll earn for reaching each new Main Progression Stage. You can get WoT Premium Account time, credits, blueprint fragments, 2D customization elements, and more.
But the most attractive rewards from this event are definitely the Bounty Optics, Bounty Stabilizer, “Pipeline” M48A5 Patton 3D style, “Storm” TVP T 50/51 3D style, and a unique custom crew member with Brothers in Arms (as a zero perk) and enough XP to learn two more skills/perks.
Here are the rewards for all 45 Main Progression Stages.

Where Can I Purchase Stages?
Right in your Garage! Starting 7 August, go to the Battle Pass screen in the game client where you can find the "Purchase Stages" tab unlocked. Take this opportunity to buy as many Main Progression Stages as you need, as many times as you want!
You can only buy Stages after purchasing an Improved Pass.
To redeem the 3D styles and custom crew member, you need to:
- Complete (or purchase) all 45 Main Progression Stages
- Vote for the tank team you prefer (the
M48A5 Patton or the
TVP T 50/51 ) in the game client.
If you complete the Main Progression but don't claim your rewards by the end of Season 2, you will be credited with the style and crew member for the TVP T 50/51, so long as you log in to the game within a year.
After Season 2:
- The tank team that wins the vote will receive a special one-week x2 Combat XP repeatable mission for all Tier IV–X vehicles in the Garage.
- The second-place team will receive a special one-week x2 Crew XP repeatable mission for all Tier IV–X vehicles in the Garage.
Elite Progression: The Icing on the Cake
Don’t forget that after completing all 45 Main Progression Stages, you can continue your challenging battle journey by embarking on the 100 Stages of the Elite Progression. It will reward you with even more bonds than Season 1, as well as with spectacular projection decals.
After completing the first Elite Progression Stage, you’ll be rewarded with a unique Elite Chevron that you can apply as a mark of your battle prowess. It will surely spark envy among other commanders!
But wait, there’s more! We've updated the list of vehicles available in the in-game shop as special offers. These high-performance tanks will surely cause plenty of trouble for your enemies and help you earn as many Progression Points as possible.
Take on the challenge, enter Battle Pass, and stake your claim to tons of great prizes!