Ten years ago, Wargaming was a small development studio dreaming of releasing a fantasy MMORPG. Then, in December 2008, a completely different idea shot up, replacing orcs and elves with tracks and guns. That's when World of Tanks was born.
To mark the event, every tanker who registered by December 31, 2017, will receive a gift from our team, and each reward will be based on your time in World of Tanks.
You can check which gift you are entitled to in the “Achievement” tab in-game. It will be based on the year of registration, not the specific date. So, for example, if you registered on December 31, 2013, you would get the same rewards as someone who registered on January 1, 2013.
It took a lot of thought on how to reward everyone and we realized that finding a perfect system would prove impossible. So, we have decided to choose a system that would be the best for the majority of players.
You will be able to grab your rewards from November 28, 2018 until December 2019.
— is a special nickname background displayed when loading into battle, in the battle results screen, and on the team panels upon pressing TAB. Alpha testers will have a purple background with the letter “A”; Beta testers will have a purple background with the letter “B”.
The background can be displayed or hidden via the Badge menu. Click on your nickname in the upper left corner of the Garage screen; then click on the square area to the left of the nickname in the menu. You will find the Display/Hide the Tester Badge checkbox in the new window.
T-50-2 — is an event U.S.S.R. Tier VI light tank. You do not need to retrain a crew from other U.S.S.R. light tanks for this vehicle. This vehicle is for players who have enjoyed the game for 6 or more years and its style emphasizes the vehicle’s exterior in the way that veterans remember it.
We hope to continue this tradition next year and make it even better. Enjoy your rewards, you deserve them!
This product is not licensed, endorsed, and/or affiliated with any branch of federal, state, and/or sovereign government, or any military branch or service thereof, throughout the world. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to military vehicles are proprietary to the respective rights holders. Reference to a particular make, model, manufacturer, and/or version of any military vehicle is for historical accuracy only, and does not indicate any sponsorship or endorsement of any trademark owner whatsoever. Characteristics of all models are realistically reproduced on the basis of technical elements of military vehicles from the 20th century. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to military vehicles are proprietary to the respective rights holders.
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